How to cure urticaria?

How to cure urticaria?

I have been suffering from urticaria for a year , I have done many tests, but I have not been able to find the real cause or rather a solution, we have found that the pressure bothers me, the wheals form and the period preceding the menstrual cycle. I have a slight nickel positivity . Could you give me some advice to alleviate the problem? Thank you.

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Good evening, nickel positivity could be one of the causes of the problem. Contact a good naturopath in your area and ask for a check-up with its general treatment for the removal of the metals in question from your body. It will therefore be advisable to clean the intestine, eliminate nickel-bearing foods and any dental amalgams, costume jewelery or the like, and a good emunctorial drainage. Also consider the emotional aspect, hives is a very common symptom in this respect. Sincerely Cinzia Zedda naturopathy – iridology , reflexology, meditation


Ilaria Porta
Hello, urticaria is easily solved by doing a good soil treatment on the liver and obviously helping the body to eliminate toxins through the intestines and not from the skin. the fact that you find it before menstruation certainly suggests a bad liver detoxification (any contraceptives taken will be evaluated). a healthy diet cannot and will complete a good organic rebalancing. However, I recommend that you be followed by a therapist to start the Naturopathic path that I have indicated here. regards
Gianluca Perruzza

Good evening, Grace, urticaria is a skin disorder attributable to various causes: first of all, food, drugs, additives, and emotional disturbances can trigger crises. My advice, which already follows the one presented by my colleagues, is to see through an allergen test which are the foods that cause itching and eliminate them, we already know we are intolerant of Nickel, in order to reduce material that can fuel inflammation. Furthermore, I would advise you to take Ganoderma Lucidum, vitamin C, Manganese in trace elements and the Black Currant Bud extract , which due to its Cortison-Like characteristic, will be very useful.


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