Remedies for vitiligo spots?

Remedies for vitiligo spots?

Hello, I’m Alynn, I’m 35 years old and I’m pregnant at 9 months, for some time black spots have been blooming, moles etc. for the arms , legs and lower back. I would like to know if there is any effective but natural remedy. I am really sorry as I do not feel comfortable. I am of African race. Hope to have an answer shortly. Sincerely, Alynn

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Good morning dear, in the meantime it has a beautiful name. I recommend that you go to a good dermatologist, it could be a very normal reaction to her condition. In pregnancy it can happen but a check-up is better! Have a nice day and good luck! Cinzia Zedda naturopath

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