How to eliminate the extrasystoles and the discomfort I experience?
Good evening, I am a 23 year old girl and since I was about 17 I have suffered from extrasystoles. I made several visits: – 2 echoes to the heart, three years apart and they were perfect, both for volumes and for carotid and thyroid gland and movement of the valves. – 2 stress tests at a distance of three years from each other, in each one we saw an extrasystole at the moment of maximum effort. Since the heart is healthy, the cardiologist ruled out a pathology, he suggested moderate but continuous physical activity, I state that I have reflux gastritis with sliding iectal hernia, (treated with 20 mg axagon once a day which has thickened me a lot of blood and therefore I had to do a three-month therapy with folic acid) and even with this information he could not tell me if the extrasystoles are due to that. -1 cardiac holter where 4 extrasystoles occurred, two of which were supraventricular during the day, and two at night in which I did not notice subventricular (or the opposite I do not remember). There were also several tachycardias, the first caused deliberately through physical exercise, the second with a peak of 171 bpm given by a situation of agoraphobia with panic attack and there the first extrasystoles was created. Then the third tachycardia always in a panic situation, the third due to a physical pain in the back that scared me and the last just before removing the holter because the situation was agitating me. It is useless to specify by now that I suffer from panic attacks, generalized anxiety and agoraphobia. it all started thanks to these terrible heart murmurs that scared me more and more and blocked me in an increasingly narrow area. Countless times I went to the doctor because I had a very strange sensation in my chest and throat … as well as visits to the ps. I must say that this anxiety is also causing me problems in the intestine, I am constipated by nature, but I have noticed that over the years I alternate moments of pause with moments in which I empty myself with diarrheal attacks when I am particularly agitated for an event or situation. My doctor gave me lexil that I take when I have severe cramps (which occur due to anxiety and for periods of constipation) also for anxiety the xanax which, however, I try to limit indeed I have taken it I think 10 times in 5 years. I did tests for food intolerances but since they were those in the pharmacy, many doctors did not consider them reliable. I tried a first diet given by the nutritionist who gave me a kg of vegetables per g, which is absurd … now I’m waiting for a new diet from a second nutritionist. Also I would like to say that for the psychological factor I was followed by a psychologist who helped me but I believe that she has always pushed me to take too big steps and so for short periods I was better, I traveled, etc. others like this I got stuck … I’m thinking of changing it. Meanwhile, I took 20 drops of lemon balm in the morning and 20 in the evening, plus herbal teas. Can you give me some suggestions for gastritis and especially for those annoying extrasystoles? I state that I live in a bad environment! Both from a work and family point of view, I work in the family and this one gives me big problems on an emotional level, as my mother has been suffering from depression for about 6 years and does not want to cure herself, unloading every tension and problem on me and my father Besides, after a few gestures I would say crazy I always have this anxiety and insecurity on me, I don’t trust her and at the same time I can not rely on my father for everything. I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! as my mother has been suffering from depression for about 6 years and does not want to cure herself, unloading every tension and problem on me and my father, moreover after some gestures I would say crazy I always have this anxiety and insecurity on me, I do not trust her and at the same time not for everything I can lean on my father. I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! as my mother has been suffering from depression for about 6 years and does not want to cure herself, unloading every tension and problem on me and my father, moreover after some gestures I would say crazy I always have this anxiety and insecurity on me, I do not trust her and at the same time not for everything I can lean on my father. I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !!
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