How to eliminate the extrasystoles and the discomfort I experience?

How to eliminate the extrasystoles and the discomfort I experience?

Good evening, I am a 23 year old girl and since I was about 17 I have suffered from extrasystoles. I made several visits: – 2 echoes to the heart, three years apart and they were perfect, both for volumes and for carotid and thyroid gland and movement of the valves. – 2 stress tests at a distance of three years from each other, in each one we saw an extrasystole at the moment of maximum effort. Since the heart is healthy, the cardiologist ruled out a pathology, he suggested moderate but continuous physical activity, I state that I have reflux gastritis with sliding iectal hernia, (treated with 20 mg axagon once a day which has thickened me a lot of blood and therefore I had to do a three-month therapy with folic acid) and even with this information he could not tell me if the extrasystoles are due to that. -1 cardiac holter where 4 extrasystoles occurred, two of which were supraventricular during the day, and two at night in which I did not notice subventricular (or the opposite I do not remember). There were also several tachycardias, the first caused deliberately through physical exercise, the second with a peak of 171 bpm given by a situation of agoraphobia with panic attack and there the first extrasystoles was created. Then the third tachycardia always in a panic situation, the third due to a physical pain in the back that scared me and the last just before removing the holter because the situation was agitating me. It is useless to specify by now that I suffer from panic attacks, generalized anxiety and agoraphobia. it all started thanks to these terrible heart murmurs that scared me more and more and blocked me in an increasingly narrow area. Countless times I went to the doctor because I had a very strange sensation in my chest and throat … as well as visits to the ps. I must say that this anxiety is also causing me problems in the intestine, I am constipated by nature, but I have noticed that over the years I alternate moments of pause with moments in which I empty myself with diarrheal attacks when I am particularly agitated for an event or situation. My doctor gave me lexil that I take when I have severe cramps (which occur due to anxiety and for periods of constipation) also for anxiety the xanax which, however, I try to limit indeed I have taken it I think 10 times in 5 years. I did tests for food intolerances but since they were those in the pharmacy, many doctors did not consider them reliable. I tried a first diet given by the nutritionist who gave me a kg of vegetables per g, which is absurd … now I’m waiting for a new diet from a second nutritionist. Also I would like to say that for the psychological factor I was followed by a psychologist who helped me but I believe that she has always pushed me to take too big steps and so for short periods I was better, I traveled, etc. others like this I got stuck … I’m thinking of changing it. Meanwhile, I took 20 drops of lemon balm in the morning and 20 in the evening, plus herbal teas. Can you give me some suggestions for gastritis and especially for those annoying extrasystoles? I state that I live in a bad environment! Both from a work and family point of view, I work in the family and this one gives me big problems on an emotional level, as my mother has been suffering from depression for about 6 years and does not want to cure herself, unloading every tension and problem on me and my father Besides, after a few gestures I would say crazy I always have this anxiety and insecurity on me, I don’t trust her and at the same time I can not rely on my father for everything. I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! as my mother has been suffering from depression for about 6 years and does not want to cure herself, unloading every tension and problem on me and my father, moreover after some gestures I would say crazy I always have this anxiety and insecurity on me, I do not trust her and at the same time not for everything I can lean on my father. I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! as my mother has been suffering from depression for about 6 years and does not want to cure herself, unloading every tension and problem on me and my father, moreover after some gestures I would say crazy I always have this anxiety and insecurity on me, I do not trust her and at the same time not for everything I can lean on my father. I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !! I have a boyfriend who has always helped me over the years, but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and by adding this stress, sometimes it becomes really hard to feel good and manage anxiety and stress. If you have any advice, opinions or experiences to tell me, they are welcome !!

Health Answers

Dearest, I have read your email very carefully and I have felt all your discomfort for this problem. help. Hiatal hernia with reflux: tachycardia is a symptom that is all there in this condition.The stomach and esophagus are innervated by the vagus nerve, so called not because it is a nerve that … pretends nothing has happened (the … , precisely :)), but because it has a long course and releases branches to several internal organs, including stomach, esophagus, heart, intestine. The relux of gastric contents, for example, very acidic, exerts an irritating action on the esophageal wall and consequently triggers tachycardia. From what you report, her heart, while going a little in any case it keeps its pace, and this is already a very good thing. Even your intestine, however, has some of him, because a bad digestion at the gastric level carries badly worked material into the intestine, which generates problems at that level. Unfortunately, tachycardia and the various disorders you mentioned, including the emotional aspect and the existential condition of her, have a great impact in all this. I’ll tell you a little secret: people who suffer from panic attacks are actually very strong people who ask a lot from themselves and expect a lot from themselves; they are people who bear very heavy existential loads, and you yourself he confirms it to me, that they have to manage everything and more. Panic is fear of not holding up and not making it. She is a smart and capable person, you can tell from what he writes and how he writes it, that he has been fighting a real battle for some time. We need to work on it a bit, but I can assure you that there are excellent margins of victory. A suggestion, to begin with … first of all, you have to control the gastroesophageal reflux avoid or at least moderate coffee, tea, chocolate and mint Try not to eat red meat in the evening and not to drink alcohol, eat vegetables, meat instead white, fish, fruit but not citrus: all this because, in the evening, the digestive rhythms are slowed down and the food stays longer in the stomach, and this facilitates regurgitation. Try not to lie down after eating; maybe, after dinner, if you can, a short walk (even around the block is enough) can help you digest and relax. Try to sleep slightly raised above your legs.
Yes, there are herbal remedies that are good for regularizing the heart, such as hawthorn, but I need to know one thing: how are we doing? to sleep a wink if you pray? I ask you this to understand how your anxiety behaves, because we could also work on this and indirectly affect the tachycardia
Good morning Silvia, here I am. Well, sleep doesn’t give her too much trouble, it will be her tiredness, too, but that’s okay. Evening music is fine, but techno, house I don’t see much in the evening to relax. I know these musical currents because I have two grown-up grandchildren who keep me updated :), but I must say that they are actually agitated and agitated music, and I see that they are not too good for her either. Well, if you can, it is better to listen to them during the day and listen to relaxing music in the evening, Mozart, for example, I highly recommend it: it is not nonsense, specific studies have highlighted the ability of classical music, of Mozart above all, but also of Vivaldi and Bach, to reset and harmonize the nerve cells and to create new connections between cells thus increasing the powers of the intellect: in short, I prescribe it as an evening therapy, and I assure you that it is not boring at all, making our ears little by little: it will certainly relax you better! 🙂 Oh my God, if classical music does not digest it, you can listen to composed music to relax , and they are helpful. I use them for Ayurvedic or shiatsu massage sessions and they work well. I understand it, working in an environment that we feel hateful and hostile is not the best of things, doing a job we don’t like is a heavy thing, one feels failed, incapable, afraid of not knowing how to manage conflicts, that we you run away from something, of not knowing how to control yourself … I understand it all right. The contraction of the muscles of her abdomen speaks volumes, it is as if she made a sort of armor that defends her from the outside world, but it is an armor that oppresses her and does not make her breathe, and the breath is the source of life. If you can, you can carve out some space for physical activity: here, yoga I see it very well for you, because it would relax you, and teach you to control your breath and to remove that muscular armor that oppresses you. Anxiety attacks also come because perhaps we find ourselves in a condition of actual lack of air, for example in crowded public transport, or perhaps, its muscle armor blocks the correct flow of air. Even in a crowded square, the anxiety attack comes because we seem to lack air. The anxiety attack is, therefore, also a sort of alarm reaction of the organism, when the right amount of air is missing, also necessary to maintain the chemical balance of the blood at its best. Shiatsu massages: receiving them calms her and balances her energy. They work very well. For his anxiety he can take, in the meantime, the mother tincture of passionflower, thirty drops in the morning and in the evening. even in the absence of real cardiological disorders.For example, a low iron value (sideremia) (for example, for heavy menstruation), can give tachycardia because it is a means of compensation, as low iron makes the blood more poor, and since the blood carries oxygen to the whole organism, tachycardia is a compensatory means.And, among other things, low iron also leads to mood in a low tone tending to melancholy, and this is only a example. From a psychological and internal point of view, anxiety, depression are also symptoms of unabsorbed trauma, unresolved conflicts, which hurt us, behave like, for example, fever, which is a typical symptom of the flu. To address the psychological origins of your anxiety, a therapy with Bach flowers would be useful, but to do this you need an interview in person, because personal topics obviously cannot be addressed here. I recommend, you are a smart person, with many arrows for your bow, who can do a lot, and who has every right to have a more peaceful and even happier life. so that the energy at your disposal is used in the right way and without waste. Life can be yours. do everything to take it in His hands and hold it. Courage! Tell me about you, I’m glad.
Also drink water, at least one and a half liters a day: it cleanses it from waste, because your body, stressed by anxiety, raises your metabolism, thus filling itself with impurities that also have a negative effect on your nervous system. Drinking water improves your body’s chemical environment, dilutes your gastric acids a little so that acidity drops, and improves intestinal functioning.
I try to follow his advice on yoga and Mozart’s music and the classical genres, I also really like the typical “house / dance” songs but revisited in a classical key especially with violin, cello and piano. To say a few words about yoga I actually tried to follow a couple of basic video lessons on the internet, they talked about breathing to eliminate anxiety and tension … but trying to follow them I saw that it was more difficult to breathe as they did and I couldn’t keep their inhalation and exhalation times .. so I dismissed the idea even a little annoyed .. Do you think a gastritis flare up in 3 days? Everything is very accentuated at lunch and dinner (but not at breakfast) Especially yesterday and today I had pain and burning in the pit of my stomach! Today they are quite intense !! But it is absurd that in so few days he is sick! I state that I am in the days before the period and I have very pronounced and annoying premenstrual symptoms .. increased anxiety, hot flashes, excessive sweating, nausea, tiredness and an inflamed gland under the nipple (which however checked my doctor days ago saying which would have improved especially with the disease in fact so it was) .. Today if the timing and health allow me I go to the herbalist’s shop to take the passionflower as he kindly advised me! I don’t know you dr. Maria but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy exchanging opinions and advice with you! It seems to me that we have known each other for a long time as much as she understands and assists me! I am very grateful to you for this and for the attention you give me! It means a lot to me! 🙂

alessandro forlivesi
Good evening, try to visit my website by typing on google bonne vie natural treatments ……… with radionic techniques you can treat ALL physical ailments. There are alternative remedies to allopathic medicine ……… and believe me …. and if we put aside for a moment the “healthy” skepticism about what is difficult to explain on a scientific level maybe we would all be + fit and healthy. However, if you want, you can also contact me on the phone. Sincerely Alessandro Forlivesi
Good afternoon Maria I replied above her message because the reply option was not working this morning

Good morning Silvia, I’m sorry I didn’t reply immediately as I wanted, I had urgent family commitments. her e-mail asked for all possible attention, like the previous ones, for that matter :), and I wanted to have all the time to devote to her for an answer that was as complete and correct as possible, and not a botched thing a little rushed. How are you, how are you feeling, how was the weekend? I have carefully read her last e-mail from her, and I thank you for the trust you have placed in me by telling me this part of her life. I fully understand your situation in the family of your almost in-laws. Undoubtedly they would be a good support, but I recognize that there are too many discrepancies between your way of life and theirs, and it is good not to give too much, also because, honestly, the Your situation with your boyfriend, I don’t know if I can tell, It just doesn’t seem optimal to me. As long as he doesn’t clarify with him, what he really wants and his true feelings, I wouldn’t put too much effort into the rest of the family. Reading that part of the email that talked about it, it made me think of an anecdote that was told to me by a Neapolitan acquaintance of mine.It seems that in Naples, according to local customs, there are men who blow women, and these, it seems, who think that when a man beats them it means that he loves them. Same goes for those who scrape them with a razor blade. Of course, this is not the case with him, however, that is an extreme case, but I do not like this matter of the excessive control that he exercises over you. Forgive me if I have perhaps “expanded” myself a little in this, but honestly I feel like saying to you, with affection, what I think. From what you wrote to me, your boyfriend appears to me as a man who has psychological problems, insecurity, inadequacy, even towards you, and who thinks to keep you “under” with continuous control. Families like that of his boyfriend, can be a good thing, but up to a certain point, because they do not guarantee in the end, the right affection and in a just way to all the children. His almost in-laws sided a little too much on the side of his almost sister-in-law, putting aside his boyfriend, who in the end feels alone in his house, unloved, and feels disdain towards himself, and therefore inadequacy towards himself. Believe me, I know, you will say no, but I have seen quite a few stories like this in my professional career, and they weren’t exactly happy stories. that’s what I read between the lines of what he confided to me, but if I’m wrong, tell me clearly. I understand, we all need the attention of the partner, God forbid, even a hint of jealousy is nice, jealousy, however, must be at homeopathic doses, just a pinch like chili, and the attentions must be attentions and not loops. neck. I am very pleased that you defend her freedom, and express the need for trust on the part of her boyfriend, good at her, is very good, hindsight if you succumb; in such a condition, being surrounded by the walls of a gilded prison does not take long, because it is a gilded prison. I read very carefully what he wrote to me, and with pleasure I realized that I was not wrong: Silvia, you are a very smart and very strong person, with some injuries, yes, but absolutely remediable. She can, and she must, return to be mistress of her life, and to have all the serenity and happiness that she deserves. I would like to be able to prescribe Bach flowers, and I also know which ones, but the problem is that, especially in the early stages of treatment, there may be healing crises, apparent worsening of the symptoms that are being treated, but which in reality are energetic adjustments and These are reversible crises that last a maximum of two days, but they must be managed together, and sadly, from what I have seen, we are not exactly within walking distance of each other. it seems to me something quite arranged. or making it in any case stronger and able to optimize and speed up any psychotherapy.Associate us then the gym, or yoga, it would be perfect However, one thing we can do: when you feel the crisis mounting, take the RESCUE REMEDY, four drops below the tongue. has a very fast effect. It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, in fact, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible Possible psychotherapy. Then joining the gym, or yoga, would be perfect. However, one thing we can do: when you feel the crisis mounting, take RESCUE REMEDY, four drops under the tongue. it has a very fast effect. It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, in fact, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible Possible psychotherapy. Then joining the gym, or yoga, would be perfect. However, one thing we can do: when you feel the crisis mounting, take RESCUE REMEDY, four drops under the tongue. it has a very fast effect. It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, in fact, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible it would be perfect. However, we can do one thing: when you feel the crisis mounting, take RESCUE REMEDY, four drops under the tongue. it has a very fast effect. It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, in fact, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible it would be perfect. However, we can do one thing: when you feel the crisis mounting, take RESCUE REMEDY, four drops under the tongue. it has a very fast effect. It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, in fact, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, in fact, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible It is a particular blend of Bach flowers, created by their discoverer, Edward Bach, and is a remedy for emergency situations. You will see, they will help you a lot, also because they have no side effects whatsoever. You can take the dose of four drops up to eight times in a day, no more, but I very much hope, and I think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in a day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible no more, but I very much hope, and think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in one day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible no more, but I very much hope, and think, that there won’t be even eight seizures in one day. 🙂 Silvia, I cheer for you, I am on your side, write to me quietly, I am pleased to talk to you and be of help as much as possible
Good morning Maria!! I am very happy to hear from you! I will try the out of Bach that he recommended to me. So this weekend, although I wasn’t feeling very well due to intestinal cramps (perhaps due to the upcoming period) and gastritis pains, I decided to spend Sunday at my boyfriend’s house and I must say that it did me good to change the air! Today I am slightly better both emotionally and physically. How are you? Thank you for your kind reply and also for the usual attention that you dedicate to me and that distinguishes you! 🙂 I must say that in fact that you are right about my boyfriend, I have made the same idea over time, she is a very good and smart person but due to lack of attention, affections and education on the part of his parents he has developed a character with a good sense of inadequacy and inferiority towards his fellow men and tries to defend himself with the only means that comes naturally to him, that is, an inordinate control that sometimes occurs. we are working on this feature to ensure that it never exceeds certain limits of inappropriateness. However apart from that I can only speak well of him because he helped me so much in every circumstance I needed it. For me there is always and does everything possible to see me happy. The problem I have in the walls of the house and therefore also in those of work. I would love to find another job but also for me now for my problems of agoraphobia and anxiety it is unthinkable to go every day to the city and do 2 hours of travel .. but I will try to change these daily routines that have only hurt me. I will try to regain control of my life !! I have every right! 🙂

Dearest Silvia, good morning! Reading her last email gave me joy, she made me understand that today is a little better, and I am very happy. I’m fine, I spent the weekend nursing my youngest two-month-old grandson, his mom needed time off for an urgent commitment, and, you understand, it’s a bit difficult to have a quiet moment with a little guy who requires all the attention, also because in the menàge of the little ones they are a little down for training :). I am happy that your boyfriend is still a good person, I hoped it and you confirmed it to me, but we need to work on his psychological problems before starting any more serious path together, cohabitation or other, because hindsight ‘the difficulties would become too many, living together is a very good thing, but it is also a complex thing, and leaving already with heavy luggage on your shoulders makes everything more difficult and ruins something that can be beautiful and precious. The problem in the walls of the house … yes, I remember your first email, actually the situation is difficult, but it can be remedied.It is important to work on it, in the sense that you must work on it, work on the relationship you have with your parents. parents and family from your point of view. You cannot expect others to change, if they themselves do not want to, and everyone in this world is responsible for themselves. You begin to work on yourself first, discovering strengths and weaknesses, limits, and potential, correcting and also accepting your own defects and highlighting and confirming your strengths. It is a complex job, which requires its due time, but not that much, you are a smart person, who wants to heal and be serene, and you will see, it won’t take so long. The true and firm will is a fundamental prerequisite. As the writer Poe said “nobody, not even the angels of heaven can do nothing against an act of pure will “, and she has some will, I perceive it from her words. The real secret is that you have to harmonize the various parts of yourself and make them become a harmonious and balanced whole, like a beautiful piece of music. its meaning in our life. For example, in a painting the shadows are used to give three-dimensionality, depth to the images, to make them true. You certainly know the painter Caravaggio: he used the shadow to make great works of art. art, thanks to the shadow there is an exaltation of light. This happens a little bit in our life.For example, aggression is not a shameful thing, if aware and modulated it can be a great energy: one thing is an uncontrolled fire that generates a fire, another is a modulated fire that cooks a good meal, makes metals flexible. Uncontrolled water which causes floods is one thing, water in streams and irrigation canals which irrigates and nourishes the fields is one thing. aggression. This is just an example, but I think it fits, because I believe that at the origin of his panic attacks there is also the fear of losing control, of getting angry. Do you know why dams are dangerous? Because they hold water in large masses. water so concentrated has a great potential energy within it. Never be it, it happens that a lesion of the retaining wall is created and the water pours out uncontrollably and causes terrible disasters. For anger, aggression is the same thing. You can say “no”, you have to say “no”, when needed, if you think it is right, without shame, without screaming, without fear of displeasing anyone. A “no” said with calm, tact and determination works much better of a “no” said with uncontrolled anger, because uncontrolled anger often hides the weakness behind it. Oh God, someone resents, but they won’t be able to say that you were being insincere or unclear, and in the end you will be respected more. How did we get there? Ah, yes, the problem with her family. Silvia, don’t hurry, you think about strengthening yourself, working on yourself, gradually regaining yourself and your confidence, creating gradual changes in your routine, without tearing, and then, once you are ready to take the big steps, you will move. in your home it is still a good opportunity, especially in this phase in which you are learning to fly, you use it as an airport from which you know you can leave and return, to get away gradually for longer and longer flights. It’s a bit like when she learns to swim, she starts splashing in the water where she touches herself with the armrests and the life buoy. Even the Olympians started that way. And maybe, who knows her, maybe there won’t even be a need to radically change your job, because, once you have changed inside, the environment will also be modeled on you, and if this does not happen, she will have the opportunity to do new, good things that will give her serenity, because she will have the strength and the means to do it. I go back to your boyfriend for a moment: stay close to him, encourage him to change, tell him “no” clearly if he does something wrong, but the first impulse to change must be his, he must be personally responsible for himself You encourage him in the good and stop him in the evil, do not cover him, neither justify him too much, nor be too indulgent: in Rome they say “the pitiful doctor made the purulent sore”, I don’t know if I mean. .. With sweetness is better, but firmness is needed, without screams or bad words (NEVER use bad words, they are never forgotten), but firmness, YES, and should not be afraid to use it if needed, because it helps the couple. His letter today is particularly beautiful, she knows of greater well-being and greater confidence, I am really happy with it: BRAVA! Keep it up, it’s going very well. and, yes, he truly deserves it. 🙂 Let me know how it goes, I’m glad to share your journey towards the discovery and the reconquest of yourself. Courage! It’s going well!
Dearest Silvia, I am very sorry for what has happened to you. It was a bad experience, with so much fear and so much stress. At the PS, an electrocardiogram is usually done, because that is enough to see if there are critical or risky events for the heart. The echocardiogram is used to examine the functioning of the heart valves, the ability of the heart to pump blood to the periphery. an investigation more suitable for examining pathologies that last over time. Certainly if the extrasystoles are a certain number and close together they can give a sense of anguish, which is amplified as a result of the inevitable anxiety that this situation generates, and can cause discomfort to the point of fainting, but those that occur in risky situations have a behavior and a peculiar evolution, which Hers have not had. to hospital have been attentive and conscientious: having her eight hours under observation attached to the monitor is a correct procedure. Evidently her extrasystoles originate from her gastroesophageal reflux, the proof is that they calmed down with some difficulty, despite the administration of the sedative drug. To be more sure and see how your heart behaves during the day, in the presence of stress, etc., I recommend that you do a cardiac Holter exam. It is a non-invasive and painless examination: it consists in applying a small machine, as big as a chest radio fixed with patches, to which electrodes are connected for the electrocardiogram. In practice, it is as if he were doing an electrocardiogram for a day / two in a row. You have to wear it all day, work, eat, sleep etc. with this connected device, which will record the activity of your heart in basic conditions, that is, of rest, and in the various moments of your daily life. In this way you can see how your heart behaves and intervene, if necessary, accordingly. Had the doctor told him about it yet? Such a detailed examination would be very useful to understand how it is going, and it would certainly help to calm down. Fatigue certainly had an impact: the day before yesterday she got tired quite a bit, let’s consider that she is in a phase of change, of psychological commitment, and this also reflects on your body.This tiredness has made your heart more reactive and there he unleashed this little slaughter. If I am not mistaken, you are oure premenstrually, which is more irritating and tired than expected. Dear Silvia, I can well understand your state of mind and your fear, in your place I would probably be like that too, but I can tell you that there is nothing dangerous to fear, reading what you wrote to me, my These are the conclusions. Here, in a circumstance like this, the Rescue Remedy would have been very useful to stem the very understandable fear. Among other things, it is an incredible remedy for fainting, I have tried it personally on some patients. Another advice, if you do not feel like dining, especially in cases of great fatigue, do not force yourself to eat, satisfy your need for fasting, or just eat something light so as not to be on an empty stomach, which would be counterproductive. , and rest. Nothing happens if you miss a meal or do it partially. it is eating unwillingly that is worse, also because it eats nervously and the food “settles” on the stomach and does not go up or down. I understand your fear and your anguish, but I calmly tell you that you can relax and be quiet: as far as I can understand from reading your email there is nothing particular to fear. , and give me your news anyway. A hug
Good evening Maria, yes I have already done a 24 hour holter and have seen both the 2 subventricular and 2 supraventricular extrasystoles, plus some tachycardias peaking at 170 and minimum at night 48 while I was sleeping. The cardiologist advised me to take a beta blocker, but as it seemed not serious as he prescribed it as a candy saying: take it as needed and dose it yourself based on how agitated you are .. I was shocked from that answer and I didn’t even say hello to him as I left the studio. My impressions were confirmed by a second cardiologist and my GP who advise me against a beta blocker for my young age and because they explained to me (as I imagined) that they are very special drugs that must be taken in a therapeutic path to long term and should not be dosed at random. I had been given xanax but I didn’t like the dizzying effect and I preferred lemon balm. Tomorrow I’m going to pay a visit to yet another cardiologist. It scares me that it is about an hour away and I have to go there with my parents, I am not at ease when I travel with them. I prefer my boyfriend but he can’t accompany me. Already I get a little anxious like that when I think about it. But it has to be done and I hope it will be smarter than the cardiologists found so far. But my psychologist said that she would also like to be there either by phone or in person as she is a doctor who is your colleague. This reassures me a bit as her psychologist would be able to help me if I were upset .. or at least I hope so. I haven’t had the chance to go and buy Back’s flowers yet 🙁

Dearest Silvia, you were right to be wary of the first cardiologist: beta blockers are not candies, as you rightly said, they are not given when needed, they are not Popeye’s spinach. Beta blockers also affect blood pressure, and we must also see how his blood pressure is, so … Above all he is too young to take certain drugs, which are given at his age only in case of serious need. Even Xanax does not convince me so much, also because, let’s face it, even the drugs that act on the psyche leave their aftermath, and if one day, as I hope he wanted to abandon them, he should do a long-term scale of doses, then it is necessary to see how sensitive you are to drugs of that type, among other things, from what you told me the sensitivity is there, so it could also have unpleasant effects; frankly I don’t see the need to hire them, and I think it’s not worth it. Lemon balm is fine, even Passiflora el Hawthorn, the latter acts precisely on the heart, heart rhythm and the efficiency of the heart pump, promoting its balance and good health. to interfere with antihypertensive drugs, anticoagulant drugs and antiarrhythmic drugs, and I do not seem to be taking any. per day, which has a relaxing effect and acts on your stomach ailments, including gastric acidity, and Mdre Hawthorn Tincture, forty drops twice a day, which acts on the heart and the autonomic system, calming the sense of oppression in the heart, tachyarrhythmias .. To make the trip, take the Rescue Remedy, and, you will see, you will feel better. visit, at least she will feel supported. Silvia, I understand you, maybe all these medicines will make you feel a bit of a wreck, or give you a sense of helplessness. I know and I understand it, but you just think that it is a temporary phase and it will not last forever, he will be able to get out of it and do without all these things. moving around and medications to soothe the pain and inflammation. As it happens that as soon as the fracture has healed, you no longer need crutches, and as soon as you are healed you will also not need any medicine. Take these things for what they are, means that help you find the urge to move on your own and get your life back, give them an instrumental meaning, take them for what they are, that is, means to help you heal, not to a “patch” license for life :). Come on Silvia, you are too smart to give in, I am with you, even if only with the thought, and let me know how it went
Good evening Maria. I had already written to her on Friday evening but evidently I did not give the site the time necessary to load my comment before closing the form. However, the visit to the cardiologist went relatively well, in the sense that from the ecg and echo we saw a slight tachycardia 130 bpm about .. the only extrasystole that came to me he did not see it because he was not facing the screen. . (My usual luck) however he said that the heart is healthy. The thing that happened to me on Wednesday evening was not an extrasystole discharge but he believes it was an atrial fibrillation .. but without an ecg of the moment he is not sure .. He told me that this new symptom could recur and last for hours .. If he were to deliver me I have to go immediately to the ps .. but he does not think it is dangerous for life. It shouldn’t cause me to die from an episode of fibrillation … also he advised me against beta blockers as I am very young and I usually have medium to low blood pressure. But he left me the sotalol therapy 80 mg half tablet twice a day at 8 and 20. So I can decide calmly. Also would like me to have blood tests for rheumatoid arthritis that I was 3 to 17 plus a visit to a rheumatologist. I don’t know what it’s about but I’ll do it. I noticed that before the episode on Wednesday night when I was particularly tired I also had a headache .. the same symptoms that I have tonight .. It may be that I was in shock for what happened to me but now I really have the constant terror that everything this can occur again .. According to the cardiologist it is not the fault of stress or gastritis much less iectal hernia … but I did 15 days this summer (out of 7 years) in which I focused only and exclusively on myself .. In particular I was studying for enter the university .. In that period I did not have a single extrasystole, I did not have the slightest tachycardia, my body was relaxed, I had regained intestinal regularity and my stomach did not struggle with food, moreover all the daily situations of annoyance like fights moments of nervousness, words that are said to me in a bad way I slide over !! It was a great feeling !! I would like to get back to such a balance! The beauty is that I had found it without even looking for it and without even thinking about it .. It just happened exactly how these problems happened to me .. Anyway, now I’m really terrified of doing everything and staying on my own. I’m terrified of dying without even having lived properly my young eTa! I know there are those who are worse off and for this I feel guilty for complaining and unjustified for having these fears .. but I don’t know how to find a minimum of serenity and confidence in the fact that nothing will happen to me.

Dearest Silvia, I am happy that the visit went well. Fibrillation can be a serious problem, but it is the ventricular one, which can be at risk, the atrial one usually, no. . The heart’s rhythm is regulated by a group of cells located in the middle of the heart tissue, more or less at the level of the upper chambers of the heart called atria. This impulse is first transmitted to the atria, and causes the musculature of the atria to contract, then, traveling through a system of nerve bundles, called the Paladin Hiss bundle, it routes to the lower chambers of the heart, called ventricles, and carries the heart muscle of the ventricles to contract.This rhythmic action leads the heart to empty and fill in order, so that the blood circulates in the same way and in the same quantity throughout the body. It happens that, for various factors, diseases, circulatory problems in the heart and also an excessive sensitivity of this sinus node, impulses are generated out of rhythm nerves that if they last for a long time, generate fibrillation.This fibrillation causes the heart to move in disorder, therefore not being able to contract, fill and empty itself well, and if this fibrillation is too strong or lasts too long it can have cardiac arrest Obviously it is serious if it occurs in the ventricles, because the ventricles push the blood to the central and peripheral part of the body, if it occurs in the atria, it is much, much less serious , even if to keep under control. Obviously, to know where this fibrillation occurs, you need to do an electrocardiogram: this is why the cardiologist talked about the emergency room. But it is not certain that it is fibrillation. One thing is sure, your sinus node seems to be particularly sensitive. The cardiologist was right to advise her to have blood tests: I too had thought of a valve problem: it is enough that the heart valve is slightly displaced from where it should be, and the tachycardia starts. history of rheumatoid arthritis (she forgot to tell me :)) this disease may have affected the heart valves a little too, and, if so, you can have easy tachycardia in this case too. It seemed to me, however, from what she told me that the echocardiography had not shown anything particular, but it cannot be said. It is a good thing to do these tests, surely nothing of the kind will come out and this will reassure you at least a little>; it is only for this, it is a precaution that is better to take, just to make you feel calm, not to make you feel further sick . 🙂 The cardiologist does not consider the stress hypothesis, nothing bad, there are colleagues who are more … mechanists, they are different schools of thought; beyond this, it seems to me that he is a serious and competent professional. The fact that, however, she felt good this summer, because she had (thank goodness!) Thought a little more about you, in my opinion speaks volumes. finally to take control of your life again. She, I know, is a smart woman, and your well-being will not be long before, I’m sure. Do not feel guilty if you complain because you feel bad, it is not a crime.It is true, there are also people in serious conditions, however, yours is a situation of malaise, which prevents you from being well, and must be considered with care, attention and respect. We are not making rankings, who is worse off. The sense of death and the fear of dying is part of the picture of those who suffer from panic attacks, it is a “classic”, if you can say so, and I know it is a very bad feeling, I understand it a lot. I am really sorry to hear you so in difficulty, I am very sorry not to be able to be closer than this, by email, I would love to be closer to you, to follow you and support you better than I do now. I don’t know you personally,

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