How and for how long to take Zeolite?
I would like to know how to take Zeolite to obtain a good purification / chelation of metals from the body. In particular: – how long to take it, – in what dosage, – in what form (the most effective). Thanks, Franco
Health Answers

Franco good evening, meanwhile, the chelation from metals must not be done lightly. This is especially the case if you are taking essential medications or supplements that can be absorbed and excreted. Also avoid this type of purification in the spring or summer months. Generally twenty days with a break of ten and a restart with twenty are sufficient. Find out well about the practice. Much depends on personal needs. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath – iridologist – reflexologist

Hi Franco, as regards the activated zeolite you have to take it 2 capsules in the morning and two in the evening for the whole winter season (summer etc depends on when you start taking it), it is repeated once a season.

I take it in capsules and I feel very good.

I take it in capsules and I feel very good.
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