Natural remedies for childhood trauma

Natural remedies for childhood trauma

Good evening, I would like to have some clarifications regarding natural remedies. I am a 25 year old boy and I have always suffered emotionally; for some years the negative feelings have intensified. The whole thing is due to a childhood trauma (I was 6 years old at the most) that I am unable to process at the moment. This trauma causes me fear and guilt. I state that I am following psychotherapy and I am confident, but the world of natural remedies, especially acupuncture, also intrigues me. Are there any valid remedies for the above? Thanks good evening

Health Answers

Alessandro Greco
Hi, I state that for your problem being followed by a good psychotherapist is fundamental. As for natural remedies, I recommend Bach flower therapy, specifically the flowers Stars of Bethlehem (trauma), Mimulus (concrete fears) and Pine (guilt). I then advise you to look for a good professional in manual techniques such as a reflexologist or a masseur, these contact practices stimulate the endogenous production of serotonin and oxytocin with a marked improvement in mood. I greet you hoping to have been useful.

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