Treating headaches with shiatsu
Migraines, headaches, chronic, periodic, weekend headaches. This is one of the most common ailments, caused by many and different factors. Shiatsu diagnosis and related meridian therapy can assist in the search for the true cause and be integrated in the resolution of the disorder.

In the Shiatsu diagnosis, headache is generally defined as a Yang nature disorder because it “besieges” the most yang area of the body and can be interpreted as an unsuccessful attempt to expand energy upwards , or a compression of the same energy at the top to prevent it from invading the organism in depth.
On the basis of this generic consideration, however , the headache is considered in its manifestations, in its times of appearance and in its localizations, in order to read this discomfort in a causal key to treat its source and restore well-being.
What a headache
According to some experienced Shiatsu therapists , there are at least 140 reasons that can justify the onset of headaches! By limiting the investigation a little, in Shiatsu it is possible to classify pain and therefore also headache in some macro categories:
- Day headache : Yang or energy (Qi) deficiency
- Headache in the evening : Yin or Blood deficiency
- Headache related to menstruation : Yang deficiency and blood stagnation or excess Yang and excess blood.
- Weekend headache : if it gets worse after rest, it is due to a stagnation of yang energy in the body. It is typical of people who are always very active, who need to stay on the move. Usually on weekends or during the holidays they complain of headaches, migraines. If, on the other hand, the headache improves with rest, it is a disorder due to a deficit of depleted energy during the week.
- Headache that worsens with a specific climate : the weather-pathogens in general are Wind, Cold and Humidity that “invade” our body.
- Headache and a sense of heaviness : linked to internal humidity
Shiatsu is a valid help against anxiety and states of agitation
Where does the head hurt?
In Shiatsu , three areas are identified where headaches can occur: front, side and back, areas that correspond to the 3 levels of involvement of the Yang
- Frontal – Yang Ming: it is linked to the metal movement of the Large Intestine (protection and defense) and to the earth movement of the Stomach (absorption and selection)
- Lateral – Shao Yang: it is related to the movement of the Triple Heater which brings energy inwards, to the organs and to the movement of the Biliary Vesicle which pushes the energy outwards, to the joints. Check the expansions and contractions of the movement).
- Posterior – Tai Yang: it is linked to the water movement of the Bladder (organization) and to the fire movement of the Small Intestine (activity).
Shiatsu treatment
Knowing how to identify which type of headache afflicts us and localize it allows us to intervene on the cause and not only on the symptom. In this way the Shiatsu treatment can give immediate feedback on the symptoms and directly treat the disharmony (excess / deficiency of Yang, empty / full, reference meridian).
For example, if our headache starts from the neck and radiates to the back of the head , it is very likely that it is of a Tai-Yang nature , linked to stress factors , excessive mental workloads, or the ” porta del Vento ”(trapezium area) in a climatic condition penalizing for those who are sensitive to the meteorological conditions. The Bladder and Small Intestine meridians will be treated and based on other factors such as full and empty, hot and cold, the meridian treatment will be in sedation or solicitation.
On the other hand, it may be that a front and right side headache is Yang-Ming in nature , due for example to indigestion . In this case, the Stomach and Large Intestine meridian will be treated to unblock energy stagnation.
As always in Shiatsu we are faced with guidelines that must then be well adapted to the individual and his specific symptoms.
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