Jade to strengthen the spleen

Jade to strengthen the spleen

For millennia, jade, a beautiful ornamental stone, has been associated with the health of the spleen. What’s behind this belief worth knowing?

Jade to strengthen the spleen


It is not a crystal nor a real mineral, although it is used in crystal therapy and sometimes reaches very high prices.

It is actually a precious rock , made up almost entirely of 2 mineral species, nephrite and jadeite , 2 known silicates, used and appreciated by men  since the Neolithic in all areas of the world .

The most famous and most valuable variety of jade is the green one , particularly popular in China, it is used both as an amulet and as an ornament.

There are also other types of jade:
> white jade;
> black jade;
> gray jade;
> blue jade;
> red jade.

The psychological benefits of jade

There are many attributes that are associated with jade in crystal therapy, there is a long list of benefits on a psychological level and an equally long list of benefits on a physical level .

They range from the ability to help unblock dreams during periods of dream crisis (recurring bad dreams), to the ability to calm and clear the mind to increase creative abilities and the effectiveness of thinking.

It is also used in feng shui to create special energies in precise corners of the house .

It is not for nothing that there are many statuettes of Buddha and many ceremonial objects that ensure a flow of positive energy in the environment or through people involved in a relationship, be it love, work, family or friendship, such as the Chinese bi or cong .


Read also Insomnia and crystal therapy >>


The role and functions of the spleen

But when it comes to the body and physical health, jade is often associated with spleen health . It is no coincidence that in the Native American languages ​​the name of jade translates into “spleen stone” .

The spleen is an organ that is often underestimated, but the safeguarding of its functions is essential for maintaining physical health.

The spleen is known as the “red blood cell cemetery” , as it deals with the degradation and absorption of blood cells at the end of life.

However, it is also essential for the storage of special lymphocytes specialized in the prevention of blood infections and finally acts as a venous blood reserve .


The jade and the spleen

By ensuring the health of the spleen, jade helps prevent the formation of kidney and biliary stones and prevents the causes of some forms of abdominal cramps .

In addition to being used to prevent spleen ailments, jade is also used to recover from spleen problems or surgery on the spleen itself .

Jade helps eliminate toxins from the blood , renews the vital fluid and helps to make it flow, optimizing the level of fluidity and maintaining a good pH and a good ratio of salts within the blood .

This is also reflected in the health of the joints , which reverse, or at least slow down, the calcification processes due to a non-optimal pH , thus prolonging their longevity.

The same thing happens with the voice, as a good blood pH level has an important effect on the larynx and vocal cords .

Also for this reason, in ancient times Chinese doctors gave singers a jade powder mixed with special herbs to ingest to improve their performance.


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