Alopecia: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Alopecia: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Stress, genetic factors, inflammations of various kinds can cause transient or permanent forms of alopecia. This disorder can affect men, women, and sometimes children.


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Alopecia refers to  a reduction in the amount of hair or its disappearance with the formation of patches. The causes can be different and are linked to hereditary factors, stress or hormonal alterations. Let’s find out better.

  • What is alopecia
  • Types of alopecia and symptoms
  • How do you know if you have alopecia
  • Causes of alopecia
  • Alopecia Diagnosis
  • How hair grows after alopecia
  • Nutrition in case of alopecia
  • Herbal medicine for hair loss
  • Bach flowers and alopecia
  • Traditional Chinese medicine and alopecia
  • Essential oils for alopecia
  • Homeopathy for alopecia

What is alopecia

Alopecia is defined as  the loss of hair anywhere on the body . The thinning of the hair and relative fall that initially manifests itself at the temples and the crown is typical of male alopecia , while in the frontal, parietal and coronal area it is typical of female alopecia . 

Types of alopecia and symptoms

There are various forms of alopecia , but the best known is androgenetic alopecia, due to an excess of DHT (dildrotestosterone, a hormone harmful to the hair follicle) and characterized by hair loss in the front and upper areas of the head.

The disorder mainly affects men and can also develop very early, during sexual maturation. However, women can also be affected by alopecia, especially when menopause sets in . The hair first loses its vigor, the stem thins, the hair is less shiny and then the stems start to break and the hair falls out.

Alopecia areata is that alopecia that occurs with patches without hair, located in different regions of the scalp or even in the areas of the virile face that in most cases are covered by the beard . Among the causes of alopecia areata, the most accredited hypothesis is that of an imbalance to the detriment of  the immune system ; the hair may reappear after a long period, but the alteration usually rebalances itself in the short term.

Alopecias also differentiate into non-cicatricial alopecia , a transient condition of inhibitory alteration of the hair papilla (androgenetic alopecia, areata, iatrogenic from drugs for example) and cicatricial alopecia , a definitive form of disappearance of the follicle and germinative papilla (scleroderma , lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, mycosis, transfer folliculitis).

There are forms of alopecia that also affect children and must be investigated, since beyond the physiological replacement of hair and hair, food and psychological causes, fungal infections such as ringworm can be hidden. Once the cause has been established,
specific remedies against alopecia can be developed.

How do you know if you have alopecia?

Alopecia is easily identified by massive loss of hair or coat with the formation of hairless patches . Affected areas can be not only the scalp, but also the beard, eyebrows. It is recommended to go to the doctor for a correct diagnosis and to undertake a treatment for alopecia.

Causes of alopecia

Alopecia can have multiple causes  linked to hereditary factors, stress or hormonal alterations. The most common are:

  • an excess of DHT, a hormone harmful to the hair follicle
  • imbalance of the immune system (white blood cells attack the cells of the follicles)
  • stress and nervous states 
  • consequence of treatment and medication

Regardless of hereditary or hormonal factors, hair, like nails, is very affected by the quality of the diet , which must favor foods with a high content of polyphenols or catechins, precious oxidants essential for the defense of the body and natural remedies for alopecia .

Alopecia Diagnosis

In the case of alopecia, the diagnosis is made mainly with a simple clinical examination , which involves the observation of the dermatological manifestations of the disease, that is, the patches without hair, the follicles and the scalp.

In some cases, a trichogram or analysis of the hair is carried out to evaluate its health and analyze its regrowth cycle.

There is also a simple technique, called pulling , which allows you to assess the severity of the disease simply by gently pulling a lock of hair: based on the amount of hair remaining between the fingers, the level of health of the same is assessed.

Ultimately it is also possible to resort to a scalp biopsy : this diagnostic method, however, is carried out only in rare cases and can leave scars that are also quite evident.

How does hair grow back after alopecia?

In the case of non-scarring alopecia, therefore temporary, hair and hair regrowth occurs gradually . The times are not fast, in 40% of cases the hairs grow back spontaneously, within 6 months in some cases, generally within a year. However, the phenomenon can recur, especially if it is stress alopecia.

Treatment for alopecia

Nutrition in case of alopecia

Give preference to beef and chicken, shellfish, foods that contain taurine , an important amino acid that protects the hair bulb.

Integrate in the diet fresh organic fruit and vegetables, green tea , Arabica coffee (100%), red wine produced from organic grapes, cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil: all foods rich in polyphenols.

Avoid for at least 6 months : cold cuts, sausages, preserved meat, bran, sugar, refined flours, black tea, liqueurs, coffee blends.

Herbal medicine for hair loss

The decoction of nettle roots is one of the most suitable natural remedies in case of alopecia and hair loss. Nettle leaves are sources of minerals, trace elements and vitamins useful for those who, after a period of convalescence or particular physical stress, are realizing that they are leaving too much hair on the pillow.

Among the plants that guarantee hormonal inhibition at the scalp level, Serenoa repens and Green tea ( Camellia sinensis ), used in the form of extracts in vials for friction on the scalp.

Green tea also contains substances with a high antioxidant power, such as ginkgo biloba itself , a plant whose extracts can improve blood circulation in the hair bulb. Maidenhair is also useful for revitalizing the scalp and against hair loss.

Bach flowers and alopecia

One of the most used floral remedies in case of alopecia is Cherry Plum , Latin name Prunus cerasifera , also useful in case of panic, paranoia, urinary incontinence, anxious melancholy, as it encourages relaxation and instills calm, mitigates the fear of losing control. of themselves and of material reality.

Traditional Chinese medicine and alopecia

Alopecia in traditional Chinese medicine is classified according to the type of aggression that the body and, in detail, the scalp undergoes.

  • We talk about Xue’s heat alopecia (Xue, the ideogram is ç©´, in Chinese means “cavity”, and identifies acupuncture points at a generic level and, in this case, those connected to the scalp) when hair loss it is rapid and sudden, patchy and linked to persistent itching. In this case we work on the points:

SHEN MEN (cross fold of the wrist) which tones and regulates the cardial energy and purifies the Heat;

TAI XI (between the apex of the internal malleolus and the Achilles tendon) tones and regulates the renal qi and purifies the heat.

  • On the other hand, Xue stasis alopecia occurs in cases where the fall is gradual and progressive and associated with pain in the scalp. In these cases, the Xue must be mobilized, acting on:

GE SHU (Shu point of the back of the diaphragm), which regulates the Blood;

TAI CHONG (on the back of the foot, in the depression between the first and second metatarsals), which regulates and cools the blood.

  • Xue qi deficiency alopecia is characterized by gradual and progressive hair loss starting from a small patch. Therefore, Xue’s qi must be toned up by treating a combination of points that includes:

BAI HUI (on the sagittal cephalic line, 7 cun from the posterior line of hair implantation and 5 cun from the anterior line), which subdues the Wind, tones the Heart, opens the orifices, stimulates the ascent of the qi;

PI SHU (Shu point of the back of the Spleen, 1.5 cun to the side of the spinous process of the XI thoracic vertebra), which regulates and promotes the assimilation functions and regulates the Blood;

ZU SAN LI (under the lower edge of the patella to the side of the anterior tibial crest), which tones the qi and regulates the blood. The associated points of the Auricular System are those of the Liver, Lung and Kidney.

Essential oils for alopecia

Clutches with:

  • thyme essential oil ;
  • rosemary essential oil ;
  • lavender essential oil .

These are detoxifying essential oils which, by penetrating the skin, stimulate microcirculation. These remedies based on the use of essences allow hair to grow on healthy, well-oxygenated skin.

Homeopathy in case of alopecia

Homeopathy in cases of alopecia intervenes both to slow down hair loss and to favor the reaction to the conditions that are responsible for the disorder. Among the homeopathic remedies:

  • Anacardium Orientale 15 CH (5 granules, 3 times a week), a remedy suitable for young students who, together with alopecia, suffer from depression, memory disorders, behavioral alterations;
  • Ignatia amara 30 CH (5 granules, once a day), in case of hair loss due to psychic shock, such as bereavement or romantic separation;
  • Kali phosphoricum 9 CH (5 granules, once a day) for hair loss following particularly demanding and prolonged periods of study or work;
  • Sepia 30 CH (5 granules per day), indicated for alopecia with scalp eruptions caused by frustration and conflict situations.

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