The most beautiful phrases and statuses for WhatsApp: top 25

The most beautiful phrases and statuses for WhatsApp: top 25

Some of the sentences bear the name of the author, others are anonymous or we have preferred to leave them to their “pure” meaning. In addition to the top 25 of the most beautiful states , you will find some images with phrases that we insert “off the charts”.

The order is purely random. You can choose from all the phrases we think are the most beautiful, copy them and send them as a WhatsApp message. Or use them as states.

To send images on WhatsApp , on the other hand, first make a copy on your phone and then send a normal photograph by selecting it from the application. Alternatively, you can use these images as your profile photo, in order to insert some sort of status into the image.

If you have any suggestions with other phrases to be included in the ranking, such as those you can find in the top 30 of love states , leave a comment in the box below and give your contribution to broaden the ranking!

<img class="wp-image-766 entered exited" src="data:;base64,” alt=”the most beautiful statuses for WhatsApp” width=”800″ height=”276″ data-lazy-srcset=” 800w,×104.jpg 300w,×265.jpg 768w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px” data-lazy-src=”” />

WhatsApp, the most beautiful phrases and statuses

  1. It is precisely when we believe that it is all over, that it all begins. (Daniel Pennac)
  2. Don’t mind them, but watch and pass. (Dante)
  3. The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and to take the risk of living their dreams. (P. Coelho)
  4. Everyone sees what you equal, few feel what you are. (Niccolo Machiavelli)
  5. “Find out who you are and don’t be afraid to be.”
  6. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. (Stephen Hawking) 
  7. To be yourself you have to be someone. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)
  8. Tell me what you think you are and I’ll tell you what you are not.
  9. Success will make you gain false friends and true enemies. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
  10. Whatever you can do, whatever dream you can dream, begin. Boldness carries with it genius, magic and strength. Get started now. (Goethe)
  11. I have never left school interfering with my education. Marc Twain
  12. The fear of love is the healthiest fear that plagues my heart.
  13. Luck does not exist: there is a moment when talent meets opportunity. (Seneca)
  14. Women are meant to be loved, not understood. (Oscar Wilde)
  15. He who manufactures under the stars builds too low.
  16. No one will ever see beyond this photograph more than myself.
  17. I am not always of my opinion.
  18. People keep ignoring the obvious, people still don’t see what is simple, as they think the truth must be very complex. Osho 
  19. Will we ever have the courage to be ourselves?
  20. Eighty percent of success is in knowing how to appear. (Woody Allen)
  21. Nothing great is done without risk.
  22. It also takes skill in rolling the dice.
  23. We would gain more in showing ourselves as we are than in trying to appear what we are not.
    (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  24. “Living with others is an art whose difficulty is overcome only by that of living with oneself.”
  25. The important thing is to never stay still.

See also:

The most beautiful phrases about life ever

Famous phrases and most beautiful quotes

WhatsApp status extra ranking:

  • You should always have our opinions with some margin of doubt. I don’t want people to dogmatically believe in any philosophy, not even mine. (Bertrand Russell)
  • I tried, I failed. It doesn’t matter, I’ll try again. I will fail better. (Samuel Beckett)
  • The dictionary is the only place where success comes before sweat. (Vince Lombardi)
  • Every problem has a solution, if it doesn’t then it’s not a problem
  • One of the great pleasures in life is doing what people say you won’t be able to do.
  • The only real failure in life is not acting in accordance with your values. (Buddha)
  • The only masterpiece is to live. (Gilbert Cesbron)
  • Silence is the only logical answer to be given to stupid people. (Marilyn Monroe)
  • The value of a man is measured by the few things he creates, not by the many goods he accumulates.

 WhatsApp images from the most beautiful states:

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