Methods for weight loss: social avoidance
Do you know one of the reasons why you are unable to lose weight?
Hold fast. Many of you have never thought about it.
Yet they have been victims of this problem.
One of the reasons is the people . And one of the most effective methods to lose weight that is not about diet and exercise is precisely not to attend them.
Conversely, there are also people who can obviously help and motivate us to lose weight.
But today we won’t talk about those. Today we will talk about the saboteurs.
I know you are skeptical. Yet there is a list of people to avoid to make your diet work. In short, if you want to lose weight, start considering social avoidance as one of the ways to lose weight.
No, I’m not kidding.
It is true that it is one thing to diet, it is another thing to be motivated to continue it after the first few days.
In this the people we meet can have a certain “weight”.
If you want to understand why, read the concept of environment and how important it is to lose weight.Â
In short, among the methods to lose weight we add that of associating with the right people, and staying away from the following human categories that can make us fail every effort and even depress us. Where it is not possible to stay away, because maybe we live with these people, here’s how to neutralize their attempts, often unconscious, to make us fail the diet miserably.
The insecure husband or wife.
You are on a diet but your partner is rowing against you. Accidentally buying a pastry, pizza or fragrant bread while you are in pain.
What harm is there to making a tear, if after having dropped the profiterol you are happier?
Also, why lose weight? He / she likes you more curvy, and even if your doctor has recommended you to lose weight, you don’t want to lose weight to please others and then end up betraying the love of your life, do you?How to neutralize them. It is necessary to speak clearly, but at the same time take on some responsibility. For example, don’t send them shopping and cook different foods. Speaking clearly is very important in a relationship, but it is even more important in this case. It must be explained to him that if he loves you, then he must care about your health and your happiness. Above all, you must focus on the request for help: help me to succeed, to overcome this weight loss goal.
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