Slimming the thighs to create the “space between the thighs
Until not too long ago, men considered it seductive to see a woman with shapely legs just not to create too much space when they put them together. It still happens to see women with legs closed and crossed in beauty contests: that pose, with legs together so as to make them seem tightly closed against each other, but highlighting a minimum space between them, it is certainly not a comfortable pose. , is a seductive pose. Then came the fashion of the space between the thighs or , which on Vice is branded, and rightly so, as something that “It’s not fun, stylish or not even particularly young”. There are specific to-do lists and exercises to achieve this gap between the legs (no longer a diamondas it was once said, or a wedge that sanctioned a normal thinness, but a wider space), which is popular among girls without a reason. It is one thing to have a slender line of nature, harmonious in its slenderness, another is to try to please those who actually want you to come back there, but don’t tell you, or who wants to make you feel insecure. Even on fb, fashion has spread, but women with the space between their “fashionable” thighs are increasingly thin, very thin, who are hungry for that “space”. In reality, the space between the thighs, in addition to being ugly if excessive, also depends on the bone width of the pelvis, the type of knees, the type of posture .Lucky those who have it by nature, bt do the others really have to damn themselves for what is not a parameter of beauty? I have seen very ugly and even fat women have a pelvis that creates legs apart like those that are popular today, due to the skeleton. Then above they could have had the belly, but we are not to subtlety .
It is one thing to be thin and appreciate yourself for who you are, another is to think that certain stupid fashions, which push girls to ravage their bodies for no reason and without this modification being seductive in itself, have a reason other than wanting to homologate by force. I am the first (thin but shapely, muscular, toned) who does a bunch of tarallo with gymnastics to have a body with curves, harmonious. Girls who pursue thinness at all costs do not exercise, and, to put it like this journalist , “They say that is the great beauty of a pair of legs, when there is more air than flesh. It is no longer a question of diamonds, but of entire mines of diamonds ”, that is, they have overcome the concept of a small space between the legs to have a kind of huge hole of 15 centimeters. Or you are not in fashion.
It is one thing to be thin and appreciate yourself for who you are, another is to think that certain stupid fashions, which push girls to ravage their bodies for no reason and without this modification being seductive in itself, have a reason other than wanting to homologate by force. I am the first (thin but shapely, muscular, toned) who does a bunch of tarallo with gymnastics to have a body with curves, harmonious. Girls who pursue thinness at all costs do not exercise, and, to put it like this journalist , “They say that is the great beauty of a pair of legs, when there is more air than flesh. It is no longer a question of diamonds, but of entire mines of diamonds ”, that is, they have overcome the concept of a small space between the legs to have a kind of huge hole of 15 centimeters. Or you are not in fashion.
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