Perfect abs and a flat stomach: shock therapy

Perfect abs and a flat stomach: shock therapy

file0002040768800How to get a flat stomach and perfect abs in no time? Two weeks and a few tricks are enough for a shock treatment that will give you visible results immediately. Here is what we need to be able to have a noticeably flatter stomach and more toned abs.
Small premise before personal trainers from all over the world write to me: clearly here we are talking about tricks, and some tricks to reduce localized swelling, which often “masks” the shape of the abdominals together with the fat. And also of tricks to have a more toned effect.
But having sculpted, dry abs is alas the result of thinness (having a low percentage of fat mass) and exercises (having prominent abdominal muscles). Here, a shock treatment that is however useful for those who are neither thin nor very trained.

– use a moisturizing and toning cream with a flat stomach effect (there are many brands, you can indulge yourself, the ideal is that it is a white cream to be able to massage, and that it absorbs well, not a gel!)
– buy a vibrating belt like the Dual Shaper, which you can find at discounted prices on Amazon
– make a scrub that fights water retention, such as a thalasso-scrub, or even coarse salt to rub on under the shower.
– have a chair!
And the tips in the diet to reduce intestinal swelling: eliminate from the diet carbonated drinks (even low calorie, nothing, stop, nada), too salty foods and chewing gum. Chew each bite at least thirty times. Make every meal balanced. Consider a fodmap-type diet if excess intestinal fermentation is suspected for particular foods.

From the first day , do the scrub in the shower by rubbing the area of ​​the abdomen and hips well. Rinse with a jet of cold water with a toning effect; apply the cream twice a day, morning and evening with a vigorous massage of at least one minute. Use the dual shaper in a moment of relaxation, for at least half an hour a day. 

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