The diet for the skin

The diet for the skin

dietdetoxIt is the second time that , reading an article , I come across this book, written by Dr. Jessica Wu, a famous dermatologist: it is Feed your face , literally “feed your face”, a 28-day program in which the doctor promises to detoxify ourselves from food that ruins our skin, causing acne and premature aging , and to use good, healthy food instead for a leaner body, younger skin and better health. I have to tell the truth. I love books like that. I am convinced that we are what we eat and that the way we eat can be the key to solving diet and beauty in one fell swoop. The book to be clear is this:Feed Your Face: The 28-day plan for younger, smoother skin and a beautiful body (English Edition) , and unfortunately like many good books it was not published in Italy, so you can only find it on Amazon, in English. But I can tell you some key tips on diet and beauty that could make us open our eyes, avoiding us to treat ourselves as garbage, thinking that then a body or face cream or a lightning diet will work the miracle.
– No crash diets or fast diets: they lower the metabolism and cause malnutrition. 

– Eat the right amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals: the skin needs these things to develop collagen. 
– Abolish refined foods (sugar, white pasta, white bread and white rice) for wholemeal ones and abolish industrially processed foods from the diet (cured meats, canned meats, ready meals, ready-made soups)
– Eat a low glycemic index diet for defeat acne.
– Focus on very nutritious foods, such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, for your beauty, and those rich in omega-3
– No milk, cheese and dairy products: reduce them to a minimum with vegetable or less “pumped” alternatives such as goat milk.
– Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, varying with the colors: red, green, yellow, orange and purple. Eat good fats on a daily basis, such as avocados, nuts, oil seeds.
– Supplements? Yes, chlorophyll . Liquid chlorophyll is greatnatural supplement , which works as a stimulant and purifier. Alternatively, at least a large portion of green vegetables every day.

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