The 7-day mini diet: lose weight naturally

The 7-day mini diet: lose weight naturally

How to lose weight, get back full of energy and vitality and do a beauty treatment all at once?

Sometimes you don’t need to be on a diet for months to get great results. But a clever strategy, such as a 7-day mini diet alternating with periods of normal nutrition
, is more helpful .

A 7-day mini diet done once a month allows you to lose a kilo or two a month and 5 kilos in three. But the benefits of a mini diet don’t end there. There is more motivation to follow it in full, knowing that it will only last a week. We give our intestines and liver a respite, helping them to dispose of waste. And finally, let’s give the immune system a boost.

But how to choose this mini-diet?

Today there are many detoxifying or slimming diets of a few days.
The bad news is that it’s hard to find a useful lightning diet that isn’t the usual copy and paste of other diets. But here I will give you a hand.

Here is an example of a 7-day mini diet, inspired by natural and macrobiotic nutrition. Seeing is believing. You can repeat it without problems for the following month. For those with more than 5 pounds to lose, this diet can be done for another week. Then it is necessary to follow two weeks of normal feeding and repeat the treatment. A strategy called a full-break diet .
However, consult your doctor before going on a diet.


Rules. For 7 days, no alcohol or sweetened drinks are consumed, even with zero-calorie sweeteners. Sweeteners are not allowed. It is also necessary to carve out 2-3 minutes of time a day for a mini workout that will help you awaken your metabolism and which you will see on page two.

The diet is the same for both men and women, except in the asterisk quantities of some foods which must be doubled for men. You can then do it with your partner.


Breakfast: choose between these two breakfasts or alternate them.

1. A glass of milk or kefir water or a Yakult.
Budwig cream prepared by blending 100/125 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat quark or soy yogurt with a 150-gram cooked apple or pear, half a banana, a teaspoon of wheat germ, a tablespoon of oat flakes, 3 almonds or macadamia nuts and a teaspoon of flaxseed. Coffee or tea to taste (without sugar). You can prepare it the day before, wrap it with plastic wrap and eat it the next day, in this case adding a little lemon juice.

2. Lukewarm water acidulated with lemon juice. A 125-gram low-fat yogurt or a hard-boiled egg or soy yogurt. Oat cream prepared by boiling 30 grams of oat flakes in 150 ml of soy milk added with calcium or skimmed milk to create a cream, and seasoned with a pinch of whole salt, a teaspoon of organic honey, 100 grams of apple or chopped peach or pear, cinnamon, a teaspoon of wheat germ and a teaspoon of chia seeds. Coffee or tea to taste (without sugar).

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