Are Vitamin Supplements Useless?

Are Vitamin Supplements Useless?

vitamin supplementsApparently it seems so. Vitamin supplements do not bring long-term benefits to the body , while much more or just as good does a balanced diet. According to a group of researchers who examined the diets of as many as 14,000 people in California, to find out if in the long term, i.e. over the years, having taken vitamin supplements, antioxidants and omega-3 tablets had somehow benefited the their health, for example a few more years of life. Well, no. Researchers have found no benefit today in those who have been taking vitamin supplements since the 1980s, for example, either on the longevity front, or even on purpose, on the prevention of any disease.

On the contrary. People who chose vitamin supplements, perhaps with some more carelessness towards a balanced diet, had a greater risk of some types of serious diseases , such as neoplasms and other deadly diseases.
The only advantages of vitamin supplements are in the short term and only for some people who are temporarily in situations of very poor diet, severe stress or, for women, pregnant. But taking vitamin supplements to complement your daily diet is not only useless but can even be harmful. The research was conducted by the Mayo Clinic .


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