Scientifically proven tricks for losing weight

Scientifically proven tricks for losing weight

dietinntrucchiAn article that appeared on the Inquisitr website listed 18 tricks for losing weight that are not the usual advice of the grandmother or the urban legends that we hear in the queue at the supermarket or with our heads under the hairdresser’s helmet, but precise tips that have been scientifically try and then they really work . I have decided to list them all, but in the face of the obvious ones it is useless to give you explanations, while for the more curious ones I will comment on what scientists have discovered and why they really work. In short, if you are passionate about tricks to lose weight, these 18 tricks are for you. And who knows if by adopting some of them we can really postpone the diet.
1) Eat more fruits and vegetables
2) Drink more water, especially before meals
3) Eat eggs for breakfast:
 A study has shown that eating eggs for breakfast instead of cereals causes you to eat less in the rest of the day.
4) Use coconut oil: in the US there is a lot of talk about it. Due to the medium-chain triglycerides, this fat would be metabolized differently, and would raise the basal metabolic rate.
5) Sleep more (and better): it is proven that a good sleep and a minimum of 7/8 hours a day improve metabolism, while sleeping little increases the risk of obesity
6) Eat less and count calories
7) Eliminate hidden sugars (read food labels, avoiding all names of sugars)

8) Eliminate refined carbohydrates in favor of wholemeal ((refined carbohydrates, drinks, juices, puffed cereals, baked goods)
9) Fill fridge and pantry of low-calorie and healthy food: a study has confirmed that it is advisable to avoid temptations in the fridge and in the pantry, but always keep fruit, vegetables, up to hard-boiled eggs, nuts, hazelnuts, oil seeds, whole food on hand .
10) Use smaller plates: The brain associates larger spaces with smaller food with a lack of food, so it delays the satiety signal. Avoid using smaller plates, so that you have a full plate effect.
11) Eat more fiber
12) Avoid liquid calories:
 apparently drinking calories, or drinking caloric liquids, is not considered to be eating by the human brain, which does not count those calories as food, continuing to stimulate the sense of hunger.
13) Eat a high-protein diet: this makes you burn one hundred more calories a day
14) Make frequent snacks
15) Do meditation: it seems useful against nervous hunger attacks
16) Stay away from simple carbohydrates in favor of whole-grain ones (which satisfy you more and avoid the high glycemic index)
17) Do not eat in front of the TV. 
18) Eat healthy instead of dieting:According to experts, to lose weight it works more to worry about getting enough nutrition than not depriving yourself of food.

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