Foods rich in fiber for weight loss
The fiber diet, the carbohydrate diet or carbs lovers diet and the high carbohydrate, low fat diet such as a vegetarian weight loss diet, all focus on the same criterion for losing weight: fiber .
As I write in this article, fiber is very important for weight loss: a study established that if we increased our diet to 30 grams of fiber per day, we would lose weight regardless of what foods we choose to eat.
But what are the foods rich in fiber ? Here are the first twelve…
1) Wheat bran: you can use it as a natural supplement, adding some to homemade cakes and pizzas, for example, or in the morning in yogurt. It has 42 grams of fiber every 100 grams,
2) Corn: avoid that canned sweet corn (it is given to trout and I told you everything) and eat some nice corn from time to time, or a little polenta. In fact, normal corn contains up to twenty grams of fiber per hundred grams.
3) Legumes: from broad beans to beans up to peas, legumes provide 22 to 13 grams of fiber per 100 grams of dry food.
4) Rye flour: eat wholemeal rye bread instead of regular bread if you want to lose weight. That’s 14 grams of fiber per 100 grams.
5) Nuts: Almonds are those that contain the most fiber, about 12 per 100 grams, but also walnuts, pistachios or peanuts (the latter are legumes, actually) do well, with about 9 grams of fiber.
7) Wheat: hard or soft, contains about 10 grams of fiber every 100 grams.
8) Barley and oats: nine to eight grams of fiber per 100 for these precious cereals.
9) Plums and dates: they have about 8 grams of fiber per 100 grams.
10) Dark chocolate: excellent food, with 8 grams of fiber every 100!
11) Artichokes: same percentage of chocolate.
12) Raspberries: about 7 grams of fiber per 100 grams.
Did you know that?
Foods change their fiber intake depending on the type of cooking. In boiled legumes, for example, it is halved. Therefore, the fiber contained in fruits and vegetables, nuts, oat flakes eaten raw, dates or prunes, wheat bran has more value. Eating wholemeal helps a lot : real wholemeal bread exceeds 6 grams of fiber per 100 grams, and whole grains travel between 5 and 8 grams of fiber.
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