Lose weight fast with the Harcombe diet

Lose weight fast with the Harcombe diet

If you want to lose weight quickly and are thinking of doing the Dukan diet or other high-protein diets or the ketogenic diet, my advice is to lose weight in a healthier and just as fast way with the Harcombe diet, a diet that tends to be low carb but not too much to lose. 10 kilos in a month and a half.

Developed by British nutritionist Zoe Harcombe, who has often spoken out against the dogma of five servings of fruit and vegetables and has been battling extra pounds for years, the Harcombe diet is a three-phase diet that includes meat, fish, eggs, cheeses, vegetables, cereals and not counting calories and without any stress, but eating satisfactorily and losing weight.

Let’s see it together.


The Harcombe diet is divided into 3 phases.

In the first phase, you lose a lot of weight in a few days: those who have to lose less than ten kilos must eat in the first phase for a maximum of five days, those who need to lose 10 or more kilos can make this first phase last for 10 days / 2 weeks.

    You can eat meat of all kinds, fish of all kinds, low-fat white yogurt and all kinds of vegetables apart from potatoes and mushrooms, with toppings of oil or butter or mayonnaise for a spoonful per meal, aromatic herbs and spices, vinegar and mustard. No sugar, no alcohol or juices, ok coffee, herbal teas and tea. You can eat up to one serving per day (50 grams) of oats or rolled oats, brown rice or quinoa. Better to boil them first and split them between two meals as a small addition.
    Potatoes, fruit and whole carbohydrates, cheeses, eggs and legumes are reintroduced.
    This phase lasts until all excess pounds are lost. 

    These are the rules:
    – do not eat fatty foods and carbohydrate-based foods together.
    When eating a carbohydrate-based food the toppings should be limited to the bone.
    – no industrially processed food is eaten, only whole grains, potatoes, whole fruit, cheeses and dairy products, legumes, meat, fish and eggs. However, the carbohydrate meal should be as simple as possible. Boiled or baked potatoes, vegan legume soup, pasta or rice with gravy or vegetables.

    For example, lunch with brown rice and vegetables seasoned with a teaspoon of oil plus a fruit. Dinner with proteins and fats: meat and salad plus vegetables with melted cheese, or vegetable omelette and bresaola carpaccio.

    – do not eat foods that you feel particularly abstinence: for example no sugar, no chocolate if you strongly desire it.

    Phase three lasts a lifetime. Dr. Harcombe recommends breaking once a week, but eating as per phase two six days a week.

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