Low-calorie, cheap and filling foods

Low-calorie, cheap and filling foods

You can lose weight without a diet, and there are many people who lose weight every year without doing any particular food program or crossing the threshold of a dietician’s office: this obviously does not mean at all that dieting or going to the dietician is wrong , but that an easier way to lose weight exists, and that is to make healthy choices, for example by introducing low-calorie and satiating foods that allow us to always eat enough, and are particularly useful if we have a tendency to eat between meals and suffer from hunger nervous. Furthermore, these foods help our regularity and favor the good bacteria of our intestinal bacterial flora. And as if that weren’t enough, they are really cheap:I divided them following this article between foods and condiments , and it would be enough to eat them to your fill as a side dish or between meals to lose weight.


Green beans, raw carrots, asparagus, spinach, crucifers (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sauerkraut), celery, cucumbers, fennel, bean sprouts, pickled gherkins, pickled vegetables, pickled onions, okra
Potatoes, beans
Animal bone broth (especially adult bovine), fish bone broth Edible
Eggs, anchovies, sardines
Mustard, soy sauce, tabasco (these last two items are not very cheap, but they are used so little that they last long).

How can we add them to our diet? Here are some tricks I have successfully experimented with to keep fit.
1) Eat a boiled potato instead of the pasta dish . We can add a vegetable side dish to the potato and a protein food such as two hard-boiled eggs or natural tuna or a few slices of ham.
2) Make bone broth or fishbone broth in winter and jelly or aspic in summer. With vegetable scraps, meat leftovers and pickles we can prepare an excellent aspic. Two cubes of jelly cost around a euro and are fine for two servings of jelly. Each serving of gelatin is very filling being half a liter of liquid, and offers over twenty grams of highly digestible protein. Same thing for the broth. Three big bones for broth do not exceed the euro of expenditure. A serving of broth is much more substantial than a slice of veal, and costs a lot less.
3) Increase vegetable side dishes with pickles and eat pickles as a snack. Pickles are tasty, cheap and low-calorie: we can combine them with salads or enrich other vegetable side dishes or eat them as a hunger-break snack together with a piece of cheese.
4) Eat raw carrots, fennel and cucumbers between meals. Raw carrots in particular are a panacea for nervous hunger, because they reduce the craving for sweets.

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