Supplements for weight loss: glucomannan
Are there any supplements for weight loss that are sure to be effective?
If I had to draw up a ranking, given that the supplements on the market are not all the same, I would say that the ones that can actually help weight loss are the fiber-based supplements. These supplements help intestinal regularity and above all induce a strong sense of satiety.
This means that those suffering from constipation can take advantage of it, but above all that, feeling full, they eat less.
In short, weight loss supplements can only be effective when they perform an indirect action for weight loss.
It is you who eat less by taking them, it is not the supplement that burns the fat and makes you lose the pounds.
Glucomannan falls into this category .
It is a special fiber that derives from konjac gum, a one hundred percent natural root or tuber, and which is water-soluble. The body, a bit as if it were cellulose, is unable to exploit it from a caloric point of view because it does not digest it.
Glucomannan, for example, is the fiber that konjac or shirataki paste is made of.
Taking it as a supplement is a bit like taking the same fiber, only in powder (it is its original version: a golden powder that is obtained by drying the original tuber) or in capsules.
How does glucomannan work for weight loss?
And above all is it a safe weight loss supplement?
Glucomannan acts like a viscous fiber, and performs the same action as soluble fibers on the market.
In practice, if we take glucomannan powder and drink a glass of water, a gel is formed in our stomach that allows us to feel full before main meals (and which we then eliminate by going to the bathroom). Let’s see what the science says and where to find it.
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