How to lose body fat

How to lose body fat

A very popular article of my blog is the one in which I explain how (easy, practically by eye) we can understand if we are losing water and lean mass in a diet and you can find it here .

Even when people want to lose weight at all costs, in fact, nobody really cares about gaining weight and then regaining it.

And, alas, this is what happens when we do a crash diet, that is a rigid or low-calorie diet (from 800 to 1000 calories) or unbalanced from a nutritional point of view.

The first thing to understand is this, but alas it enters the mind of a few.
We cannot lose fat easily if our metabolism is slow or slow
Fat is a part of our body that he, the body, gives away with great difficulty.

We can lose weight, but the muscle will go away more easily and we will put it back with interest every time we miss it.
The problem is metabolic.


This happens in two cases.

  1. When we have a good metabolism because we eat enough and everything, but at the same time we do sports.  This causes our body composition to improve and gradually we lose fat.
  2. Or in those who naturally have a very high metabolism, which in any case allows them to burn more calories even at rest or without physical activity.
    Unfortunately, few humans are like case two. And usually that’s not us, let’s call it karma.
    But we can get there if we stop crash diets, reduce stress, rest more, improve muscle mass and cut down on processed foods for a more natural approach. 


    The fundamental condition for losing body fat is to get the body out of a state of metabolic alert, and try to avoid all the stress that can harm both the metabolism and the formation of lean mass. At the same time, the body needs to be placed in the best possible health condition.

    On page two I give you 5 tips that you need to follow to succeed.

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