Dr. Oz’s one-day detox diet

Dr. Oz’s one-day detox diet

It’s called One day cleanse, Dr. Oz’s 24-hour program to purify yourself and lose weight, but that’s not all. According to nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, it is possible to do this detox at least 4 times a year, once a season.
A detox day every 3 months helps the liver to detoxify, mitigates the defects of our normal diet, balances our need for micronutrients (ie it gives us vitamins and minerals in abundance) and keeps us in shape.

Or we can think of dedicating even one day a week to detoxify, especially if the day before or the next we have an important lunch or dinner that we cannot miss.
 But be careful: if we suffer from intestinal problems, such as irritable colon or gastritis, it is best to avoid a detox like this, with lots of fruit and vegetables. Dr. Oz’s one-day detox diet allows you to lose up to a kilo immediately, and if done once a week it will help keep us fit without major sacrifices, apart from a single day that does not include fasting, it is not a based on a liquid diet only, but it detoxifies us a lot. Let’s see the scheme of the diet.

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