Powdered milk in dairy products, why not?

Powdered milk in dairy products, why not?

Powdered milk in dairy products: how serious is the problem?

It was discussed the obligation on the part of Italy to remove the prohibition that provided for the use of powdered milk in the production of dairy products and in particular of mozzarella, by changing a law, the n.138 of 1974 .

In Italy this law only provided for the use of fresh milk for dairy products and not of powdered milk, not even to create milk, and not even as a mixture.

Indeed, according to the law, powdered milk should not in any way be present in fresh milk and dairy products production establishments.

But this law, which guaranteed our health as well as the interests of local farmers and producers , was contrary to the economic interests of the European Union, and of countries that for years have been offering low-cost cheeses and mozzarella for export. With products that also arrive on the Italian market.
Just think of the famous German mozzarella from some hypermarket chains.
The cost is about 70 cents per mozzarella per weight of 125g, and now you know why, they don’t use fresh milk.

Profit, in short, never goes hand in hand with people’s health.
Which is why the only way to protect ourselves is to get information and know, worrying about what we buy, put on the plate and eat.

Here are 4 reasons why we shouldn’t buy dairy products made with powdered milk.

Small clarification. Powdered milk does not mean that intended for infancy , a different product that follows a specific preparation process.


  1. It is not just “fresh milk” that is dehydrated.
    Think of a mix of foreign milk from various sources, usually UHT, therefore already subjected to heat treatment for storage, which, a few days after expiry, is collected and used to make powdered milk. 

    So we are talking about months old milk, collected from various points in half of Europe, and one step away from maturity.
    Then subsequently worked, always thermally, to obtain dehydration.

    From a nutritional point of view, what is the value of this milk processed twice?
    Different quality proteins, practically absent vitamins.

  2. The consumer cannot be protected.
    The big problem is this. When we buy cheap cheeses, milk and yogurt, we should always be concerned about where they are produced.
    If they are from abroad, it is very likely that they already have one hundred percent or partially powdered milk. On the label, powdered milk is not indicated, except as milk .
  3. We will buy less Italian products, and more foreign products.
    Go to the dairy downstairs and ask for a certified and guaranteed raw milk cheese, or a local cheese with local milk. Then go to the supermarket, and buy the first foreign cheese at a low price. Raw milk cheese, whose origin you can easily establish, will cost at least three times the low-priced one. 

    But the “milk and dairy products” business is affecting China, India and Australia, and not just Europe , precisely because of the possibility of using waste materials for their preparation.
    As we read here: “The decreasing prices for milk, skimmed milk powder, butter and whey powder compared to last year, favor exports”.

    So we will eat more and more imported products, and less and less products from our farmers.

  4. The discourse of furosine .
    Some foods subjected to thermal processes including pasta and cheeses develop a substance called furosine, an Ages-type molecule that we cannot dispose of. 

    This accumulates in the body and causes a degenerative action in the vascular wall and in the extra cellular matrix, in the organs, in the tissues, in particular connective tissue, causing the loss of collagen, the most widespread protein in the body “.
    Now: up until now, a decree established limits on the presence of furosine in cheeses and other dairy products.

    Will using powdered milk increase the furosine levels of all dairy products?
    It is very likely.

    Dr. Marotta explains .
    “The study of this molecule in stretched curd cheeses is of considerable importance since it is technically possible to obtain mozzarella and other fresh stretched curd cheeses from raw materials such as powdered milk, casein and caseinates, dried derivatives of dairy origin, melted cheeses and products dairy products of different origins, compromising their genuineness and quality, and constituting a fraud to the detriment of consumers “ .


The only way to protect ourselves will be to invest our money in local but quality food, encouraging local producers and local breeders.
How? Requesting cheeses with certifications or even better raw milk cheeses.
As long as you find out about animal nutrition, only based on quality grass and hay, as recommended by Slow Food.

Of course, we would clearly end up eating less cheese, less mozzarella, less milk if we are forced to spend more.

But if we save money from biscuits and baked goods made with poor materials, imported products of dubious origin, and invest more in legumes, whole grains and local products, reducing waste, we will be able to guarantee healthier foods, making a difference as consumers.

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