Pesticides in fruits and vegetables, here’s how to get rid of them

Pesticides in fruits and vegetables, here’s how to get rid of them

pesiticsiThe Beauty Health Page website offers some quick ways to clean up pesticides from the fruits and vegetables we consume. In fact, the summer often pushes us to eat raw vegetables, with the peel, and raw fruit with the peel. But the danger of pesticides should push us, if it is not possible to buy organic fruit and vegetables, to pay extreme attention to what we put on the table, not only for a general health issue, but also if we want to lose weight or are struggling with the extra pounds. In fact , both the consumption of pesticides and the consumption of GMO-based foods would have been correlated with extra pounds in more than one study, as shown here.   The problem apparently lies in the toxins, which the body cannot get rid of, and which it opposes by stimulating the accumulation of weight.

Insomma, una ragione in più per utilizzare uno di questi rimedi contro i pesticidi quando laviamo frutta e verdura.

1) Lava frutta e verdura con acqua mischiata ad aceto di mele in rapporto 3:1, tenendocela al bagno per almeno 12-20 minuti.
2) Usa il succo di mezzo limone, 1 tazza di acqua e due cucchiai di aceto di mele o due cucchiai di bicarbonato di sodio per lavare frutta e verdura.
Questa la soluzione più efficace, che vi conviene preparare da prima:
1 tazza di acqua, qualche goccia di olio essenziale di semi pompelmo o di limone, un cucchiaio di bicarbonato, mezza tazza di aceto di mele.

This is if you want to consume raw fruit and vegetables, complete with skins. The extra solution, even if drastic, is to remove the peels, always after having washed the vegetables well.

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