Herbs for weight loss: here are which ones work

Herbs for weight loss: here are which ones work

herbs-for-weight-lossDo you know Doctor Vestita ? Dietitian and phytotherapist, Dr. Ciro Vestita also collaborates with TV and various magazines, often giving valuable and enlightening advice on how to pursue a healthy and balanced diet also thanks to the properties of nature. Author of several books, including “Cultivating health” and “The 100 questions about health at the table”  , on his website Dr. Vestita reveals which herbs can help us lose weight, without spending money on dubious supplements or do-it-yourself diets you that can harm our health. First of all, is it true that there are herbs that can promote weight loss? Doctor Vestita states that this is indeed the case. Let’s see which ones he suggests.

By providing us with mineral salts and other precious substances, these herbs can be used in infusions and herbal teas at any season of the year. We can drink them hot, lukewarm or cold.

DANDELION: Diuretic and purifying, excellent source of vitamin C and A, we can eat the fresh leaves in salads or find it dry for a decoction.
GRAMIGNA: Purifying , diuretic and anti-inflammatory
ORANGE FLOWERS: useful for a purifying decoction that counteracts nervous hunger
JUNIPER: you can boil the berries together with other aromatic herbs to obtain a diuretic herbal tea, to combat swelling and retention SPIREA
OLMARIA: we can use it as a natural vitamin C supplement, and it is a powerful anti-inflammatory
GINKGO BILOBA: multi-millennial tree, rich in active ingredients. We can use it to counteract circulatory problems, swelling, water retention and heaviness.

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