The 3-day purifying diet (from Report Pipe)

The 3-day purifying diet (from Report Pipe)

On the ReportPipe website , which collects viral news on lifestyle and lifestyle topics, an article on a 3-day purifying diet had a great success, which in a short time exceeded a thousand shares. I took a look at the diet, a simple three-day pattern that we can follow to shed an extra pound, and try to get back in line, especially if we have made a few mistakes.
The advantage of the diet is undoubtedly the light dinner, which even after 3 days allows us to get used to eating less in the evening.

Alongside the 3-day diet, there are some simple tips that can be implemented a few days before (4 days before) to help the body lose weight and improve digestion. These are also useful and not harmful advice that we can follow: eat more fiber (with whole grains, fruits and vegetables), drink more water, limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol, eat products of biological origin, eat foods rich in purifying substances for a first big “stir” to our body: water and lemon in the morning, dandelion in herbal tea or leaves to be taken fresh in salads (I also recommend dandelion), beets and garlic.
Let’s now see the 3-day diet proposed by ReportPipe, with some small changes on the quantities of fruit and cereals, indicated with an asterisk.

Day 1
Breakfast: 1 jar of low-fat yogurt, a piece of fruit, 2 tablespoons of bran, wheat or oats, 3 tablespoons of whole grains and 1 cup of green tea (without sugar) *
Snack: one fresh fruit of your choice or 15 grams of dried fruit *
Lunch: 1 mixed salad with a teaspoon of oil, 200 grams of fish / meat (chicken or turkey roasted, baked or grilled), 50 gr. of brown rice.
Snack: a fresh fruit of your choice or 15 grams of dried fruit *
Dinner: 1 portion of soup + 1 jar of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of bran.

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