What to eat after the Carnival parties?

What to eat after the Carnival parties?

What to eat after the Carnival parties?
If you have exaggerated or plan to exaggerate with the Carnival parties, well, most likely you have exaggerated with sweets, colorful crap and fries.

If you have eaten sweet fries, in addition to sugar, keep in mind that you have probably ingested stuff fried in highly unstable vegetable oils such as sunflower oil or worse, various seed oil. So, to be optimistic, you’ve packed a lot of sugar diluted in poor quality oil to make your liver work harder.

And it’s okay that every joke is worth it, but from the next day it would be necessary to fix it somehow. Yes, but what to eat after the Carnival parties?

Da molte parti leggerete che la cosa migliore da fare è evitare ogni genere di carboidrato dopo l’abbuffata. Ebbene, non sono d’accordo, soprattutto se avete già la tendenza ad abbuffarvi ogni tanto, e non a sgarrare poche volte l’anno. Ecco quello che vi consiglio, con una dieta di 3 giorni a pagina due di sicura efficacia.

Cosa mangiare dopo le feste di Carnevale?

For two or three days we can behave in this way: with a reduced diet in some carbohydrate-based foods, but still rich in fruit and vegetables and even greedy snacks such as dark chocolate.
In fact, punishing ourselves by avoiding all kinds of sugar is only a stress for our body, even if we do it to repair the feast of sweets. Let’s not weigh ourselves the day after we binge, and let’s not try to stay stint.

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