The Smartfood diet for a long life

The Smartfood diet for a long life

Living longer and in shape thanks to the products of the Earth: this is the fulcrum of the book ” The Smartfood Diet ” (Rizzoli publisher), written by Eliana Liotta, scientific journalist, and Professor Pier Giuseppe Pelicci, director of the Oncology Department of the Ieo . The thesis behind the book is that nutrition can influence genetics: in fact, for a few years there has been more and more talk of a discipline known as nutrigenomics, which seeks to understand how nutrition can affect the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular, neurological, degenerative and metabolic diseases. The Smartfood diet thus becomes a prevention and wellness diet, not only to stay fit, but above all to live long and healthy. The author Eliana Liotta, despite the “scientific” and authoritative premises of the Smartfood Diet, nevertheless describes it as a simple and intuitive diet,  based also on common sense, and not only approved by experts.
For example: the composition of a dish for lunch or dinner, the so-called “ideal dish” must be half made up of fruit and vegetables, one quarter of cereals (bread, pasta, rice), preferably wholemeal, and one fourth protein. For proteins, the authors recommend legumes three times a week, but also animal proteins, for example fish, meat and low-fat cheeses, eggs

Parallel to this general dietary principle, here is the Thirty Food Theory: smart foods (for example chocolate, garlic, lettuce, strawberry), which it is useful to consume often, making sure that they are not missing in our weekly shopping cart. In the photo you will find the list of these 30 foods of well-being and longevity, smart foods, which according to Professor Pellicci, have such nutritional characteristics as to affect the duration of our life at a genetic level, acting against the genes of aging.
This does not mean just eating these foods, but considering them useful for a healthy dietary supplement, without demonization but with an invitation to moderation and common sense at the table.
Finally, the Smartfood Diet recalls the Ieo’s Smartfood project, a project “of research and scientific dissemination on the protective factors of the diet for a new nutritional approach to prevention”.

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