Eat Smart, the book by Dr. Maria Papavasileiou

Eat Smart, the book by Dr. Maria Papavasileiou

On March 15th for Mondadori, “ Mangia Smart “, the book by one of the most influential nutritionists on the Italian scene: Dr. Maria Papavasileiou, considered the most famous nutritionist on the web, with over eight hundred thousand followers on her Facebook page Personalized Diet . A page that has achieved a lot of popularity thanks to the free advice and suggestions that the doctor has made available to its users, but also to a healthy and balanced “food profile” that Dr. Papavasileiou testifies every day by posting her dishes and her recipes:  abundant and colorful portions of vegan dishes, which arouse in users not only interest, but also the desire to imitate the doctor, participating in a healthier and more balanced nutritional path.

In the book “Mangia Smart”, Dr. Maria Papavasileiou illustrates a series of recipes and advice that are the result of years of work and experience in the field. Of the 150 recipes illustrated, 50 are dedicated to those suffering from irritable colon, abdominal swelling and poor digestion, but there is no shortage of tips and tricks for a better, healthier diet without going hungry. The book will be available starting March 15 in all bookstores, but you can buy it already on Amazon in presale here .

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