Fitness at home, how to train?

Fitness at home, how to train?

Many people write to me telling me that, even if I recommend doing physical activity in the gym, it is not the lack of desire, but the lack of time that often makes them give up. Other people do not feel comfortable going to the gym so they look for ideas for doing fitness at home.
The good news is there. There is no study that states that working out is better than working out at home and there are dozens if not hundreds of ways to transform your body at home.

Being active and fighting a sedentary lifestyle is not an accessory aspect of our life , but it is essential to stay healthy and have a good metabolism. Furthermore, while it is true that the gym often takes longer (going, working out, stopping for a shower, going home: they don’t leave less than two hours, alas), it is also true that fitness at home can also last only. half an hour or an hour every day. The important thing is to commit and make it a habit.
Let’s see how


Today there are many proposals. Let’s evaluate them together by analyzing the pros and cons.

This is the most effective solution for those who want not only to train but to lose weight. It is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. It means training with circuits of 8 minutes , 15 minutes or half an hour, with or without weights, in which exercises are carried out at maximum speed for 20, 30 or 45 seconds. You rest for another 15 or 30 seconds. We move on to the next exercise.
In those few minutes a lot of calories are burned because the heart rate is high. It has drawbacks. For example, it is contraindicated if you suffer from metabolic syndrome, hypertension and if you have joint problems, precisely because these exercises often involve jumps. Kayla Itsines and many others have made their fortune by promoting HIIT workouts.
Those who want to try can start with low impact HIIT. Find the workouts here.

Those who do not have the above problems can start from this ten minute circuit or this seven minute circuit. Better to vary the pattern every week or do two or three different ones three times a week.

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