Bone broth diet, off 6 pounds in 21 days

Bone broth diet, off 6 pounds in 21 days

While there is still little talk of it here, bone broth (bone broth is good too) is now a food trend abroad, especially in the United States. The reason? The bones “mineralize” the water during boiling, but above all they transfer a large part of their collagen and highly bioavailable proteins into the broth. The result? A very healthy, low-calorie but highly nutritious food , which on our tables belongs to tradition, but which is very often snubbed:

pity, because bone broth is naturally rich in an amino acid called glycine, the smallest amino acid, useful for the natural formation of collagen. Without a good glycine supplement, our body struggles to create collagen on its own, to the detriment of our health and appearance. Finally, bone broth is a friend of metabolism: its nutrients would reduce stress, promote muscle recovery in athletes, and help restore natural circadian rhythms.
So much so that there is a diet based on bone broth, or rather two. One is the GAPS diet, ideal for those with digestive problems and a swollen stomach and related ailments. The GAPS diet is based on broth of meat bones and fatty parts or marrow and is a healing diet ( you can find it here ).
The second diet is new: promoted by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci , it is called the ” Bone Broth Diet “, and is a regime that combines detox with the 5: 2 diet up to the paleo diet. A mixed scheme that according to the doctor allows you to lose up to 6 kilos in 21 days.

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