Here comes the dish that absorbs excess calories

Here comes the dish that absorbs excess calories

It’s called AbsorbPlate , the Thais invented it and it could be the solution to automatically introduce fewer calories into our body, ending up losing weight without a diet. It is in fact a special “calorie absorbing” dish developed by BBDO of Bangkok in collaboration with the Thai health ministry: the dish has a special feature that contains 500 tiny holes, which absorb and retain the sauce, therefore part of the fat, therefore excess calories. In reality, the absorbent dish does not work miracles anyway: for example, it would be able to retain up to seven grams of olive oil, therefore just over a teaspoon, saving us about sixty calories per course.

Not much, let’s face it, but always better than nothing for those people, for example one of our family members, who really don’t want to go on a diet even though they have to do it for health reasons: if a meal has an average of two courses, it means cutting a hundred calories. in excess per meal. Little but not entirely useless (via two hundred calories a day), hoping that the dish will be put on the market at a ridiculous price .
While waiting for this devilry to reach the homes of Italians and dry up the parmigiana or a dish of garlic and oil pasta, here are some articles that I recommend to lose weight by cutting calories really effortlessly.
Cut calories with these tricks
. Lose weight without counting calories

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