How to lose 3 kg in a week with the oat diet

How to lose 3 kg in a week with the oat diet

How to lose 3 kg in a week? Here is a simple and effective, naturally low glycemic index diet, very healthy. It is the oat diet, the recipes of which are taken from the site of Versatile Vicky blogger , Indian chef highly regarded for her slimming recipes and her detox secrets, followed by millions of people. If you know English, subscribe to her Di lei youtube channel .

The oat diet proposed by this blogger is very sensible, ideal for those who want a quick regime to reduce the craving for sugars naturally, eat more fiber, eat with a low glycemic index, reduce swelling and excess fluids, easily satiate thanks to the fibers oats. It has a drawback, and that is that it is monotonous. I have suggested some variations for lunch and dinner.

It is a strictly low-calorie diet that should not be continued for more than 7 days, on the high carb low fat kind, but if you want to know how to lose 3 kg in a week without going hungry, this diet is worth a read!

 a portion of cold porridge, obtained by mixing the ingredients below in an airtight bowl and leaving them overnight in the fridge. In the bowl put 5 tablespoons of whole oat flakes + 10 tablespoons of low-fat natural yogurt + a teaspoon of coarsely chopped flax seeds + 4-5 chopped almonds + a tablespoon of honey + cinnamon as required.
Mix all the ingredients and keep them in the fridge overnight. The next day the porridge is ready. Add half a sliced ​​apple to garnish. Pair it with a cup of unsweetened green tea for breakfast.

Lunch: Oatmeal omelette. In a pan, heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and add 150/200 gr of vegetables of your choice, for example mushrooms or spinach, add salt and customize the recipe with (important) aromatic herbs and spices. Add 3 tablespoons of oat flakes and cook for two or three minutes. Pour in 3 beaten eggs and cook your omelette.
You can accompany the omelette with a sugar-free draining herbal tea.
Alternatively: 200 g of grilled chicken or turkey or natural tuna, 30 g of oats (the cereal, not the flakes) boiled with 200 g of vegetables and a tablespoon of oil.

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