How to make a list to lose weight (and take advantage of social networks)

How to make a list to lose weight (and take advantage of social networks)

Before you read, let me tell you something: this article is about a method to lose weight that has proved successful for many people, but which is not so much about the dietary discourse of weight loss, as much as the motivational one. Which, however, affects a lot, and which instead is often underestimated. To understand how much this method helps you lose weight, first you need to answer a question:
– Are you the list type? That is, are you among those who make lists to be able to organize a commitment but also a day?
Here, for example I AM a type from the list. If I’m feeling particularly sluggish or unmotivated, making a to-do list for my day helps. There are also lists for weight loss.

A list for weight loss can contain: the daily plan to lose weight (for breakfast I have to eat this, for lunch I have to eat this, etc.), the daily training plan, things to buy or to include in the diet to supplement it, etc.
It may not be daily. It can be weekly.
“I have to lose a pound within this week,” may be one of our goals on our weekly list.
But for the list to be successful, it can be made public, in whole or in part . This is what the weight loss method is based on. 
Make a list for weight loss.
Make it public.
Wait and laugh, I’m serious.

What is the secret of Weight Watchers type diet groups? Not very widespread in Italy, the Weight Watchers method is the most famous abroad.
Its success is not that it is balanced or that it has a points system that makes it easy for everyone to be low-calorie. Its success is the group. The fact that those who go on a diet are forced to compare themselves with others, to have goals that they openly declares. It means making a commitment in front of everyone. The success of Social Diet programs in Italy is also due to a concept such as “unity is strength”. Having a support and self-help group, posting your dishes and declaring successes and failures, like “Today I lost a pound”, “Yesterday I weighed myself but” helps.

So if you are the list type, and you are enough on social media, perhaps this slimming strategy can be for you.
In fact, it is a question of declaring publicly, on Facebook, in front of virtual friends and real acquaintances, your goal of losing weight.
Write a post like: “From today I start the diet”, and then post, as if it were a list, our goals.
Daily: “Today I start a 1300-calorie diet: I have to lose 10 kilos in two months!”, Or
“Today, rice with courgettes and extra virgin olive oil. Tonight fish with aromatic herbs, vegetables and just a slice of bread! “
Take selfies. Daily or weekly.
It motivates you, and shows people that you are fighting for something.

Don’t believe it? 
Well, this girl lost 50 kilos at the age of 35 alone , taking selfies of herself and her dishes and posting them on social media.
This other woman has lost a lot of weight in two years thanks to the moral support of her fb friends.
Go and browse in public groups of fitness, nutrition and health : you will see many external contributions from people posting what they eat, or selfies in the mirror to find motivation thanks to the group.
Other people have stated that the incentive to start and never abandon the diet and the gym came from the facebook comments. Find here an account of their stories.  
Are you alone and not registered in any group? therehow to use facebook to list our good intentions.

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