Swelling after meals, how to overcome it

Swelling after meals, how to overcome it

Swelling after meals, what to do?
Let’s say you ate a lot .

You’ve had a large multi-course meal, taking in a nice deadly mix of too many carbohydrates, too much fat, alcohol and salt.
Consequently you feel a heavy stomach, you would sleep three days in a row, the inability to do anything other than unbutton the first button of your jacket or jeans.

Given that no one has ever died of an excessive meal (I don’t know the effect of a forty-course meal, but the advice is to never eat until you feel bad), let’s see how to behave in the presence of swelling after meals, if there are any remedies.


  • Swelling after meals occurs in both the upper and lower intestines.
    When we eat, together with food we often take in extra air and liquids, which make our belly swell beyond the food, while fermentation creates swelling within a few hours of the end of the meal, due to the digestion of food.
    Chewing slowly reduces the problem of both types of swelling.
  • Alcune tisane possono venirci in aiuto meglio dei digestivi.
    Per esempio la tisana di semi di finocchio, da bere appena calda o tiepida, è un perfetto antigonfiore, così come del tè alla menta con poco limone. L’importante è non accedere con i liquidi subito dopo pasto, per non allungare ulteriormente i tempi di digestione.
    Possiamo sorbirne lentamente mezza tazza.
    Allo stesso modo sono efficaci liquidi che contengono carciofo e genziana.
    Anche mangiare dei semi di anice crudi, o assumere una tisana di semi di anice e cardamomo, è un’ottima idea per ridurre il gonfiore dopo i pasti.
  • Se possiamo giocare d’anticipo, dalla mattina assumiamo un probiotico, che migliorerà la digestione e ridurrà il gonfiore da fermentazione.
  • Other remedies are those of a mild activity even immediately after eating.
    Walking is perfect.
  • If we can, in the case of a winter binge, to lighten a little of our clothes (without getting sick), it’s even better.
  • Better to avoid sleeping and better to avoid more intense activities of any kind.
  • The next meal must be lighter. Here is a compensation meal  idea .
  • If we have consumed a lot of salt and alcohol during the big meal, it is a good idea to chew raw fennel and celery wedges, for example in pinzimonio, or make a centrifuged of the two, perhaps with the addition of cucumber.

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