Why haven’t you found a diet that works?

Why haven’t you found a diet that works?

January, the approach of summer and September: what do these times of the year have in common? Well, they are those in which we have among the good intentions to go on a diet. And what’s wrong with this decision? All, according to Traci Mann , professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota , of whom I have already spoken because he is one of the most authoritative voices on the subject of weight loss diets and eating disorders, for which he holds seminars around the United States. According to Traci Mann , in fact, if you have not found the diet that works, it is not your fault, but the fault of the diet system which is sick and uneducated.
Here’s why, in summary:

1) Diets are futile: a diet that works is based on the restriction of calories or certain foods (which leads to eating less, so back to point two). But you can’t stay in calorie restriction for long, and if you don’t learn proper nutrition, you simply get fat again. Traci explains that it is important to strip diets of any marketing strategy and not to believe in the right and wrong foods to lose weight.

2) You should focus on your health:  diet and health go hand in hand. If you focus only on weight loss at whatever cost, the body will turn against you: it is this rebellion of the body that undermines all our intentions to lose weight. Instead, try to improve your diet and your life with these three tips: engage in regular physical activity, learn to eat better, for example more vegetables, and in moderation; help reduce the stress in your life. 

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