How to lose weight with 3 simple exercises

How to lose weight with 3 simple exercises

Having a tighter waist and more designed hips in the back.
So is it possible to tone up at that point thanks to physical activity?

You must always keep in mind that to slim the waistline and in general have a flatter stomach, the diet does seventy percent of the work: this 1500 calorie one is not drastic and is perfect.
In the case of the abdomen, the fat covers the possible drawing of the musculature, and strengthening the latter does not necessarily lead to a reduction in localized fat mass. However, let’s see if physical activity can help us with some targeted exercise.
To which Dcomedieta adds a bonus that works and will allow you to save time.


We can slim the waist by aiming to strengthen the lumbar area, the lateral oblique abdominals (external oblique abdominal muscle) and the buttocks.
Since our target audience is the waist, we see three exercises that we can also do every day to tone the area.

  1. Lateral swings of one leg out in standing position.
    While standing, the exercise consists of lifting one leg out to the side while keeping the other straight. You can find this exercise and others for toning the buttocks in this article .
  2. Exercises for the obliques. Strengthening the lateral oblique abdominals will allow us to have a more toned waist. In this video we see some exercises that are done at home, without weights. In particular, the exercise shown in minute 1.42 is very effective.
  3. Waist training.
    These exercises must be performed after having done at least two exercises between points one and two. They are very simple, and consist of a simplified plank with left and right pelvis rotation. In this video the detailed explanation (it is in English but you just have to memorize the exercise which is very easy).

  4. After and only after and I stress after these exercises, which will not steal more than ten minutes, here is the secret weapon.
    I have recommended it to a lot of people and everyone has seen results. It is a muscle band that releases impulses: the basic program with brighter lights is the one you have to use twice a day to flatten the belly. Warning: it increases the results if, however, we do the exercises and a minimum of diet.
    You can find it here: VICTOOM EMS Muscle Stimulator .

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