Alkaline diet, its creator ends up in prison

Alkaline diet, its creator ends up in prison

New troubles with justice for Robert Young , naturopath, one of the creators of the so-called alkaline diet , indeed, perhaps the one who most of all has developed a real method around the discourse of the body’s acid-base balance through the ‘Power supply. Based on the insights of Dr. Hay (from which the dissociated diet was born) and on his own intuitions that have no scientific basis, Young developed the alkaline diet method, and wrote successful books on it, including the series ” The miracle of PH “.

Why and what was he accused of? Far from being the first time (just since 2o10 Young has already been indicted three times, the previous one last year ), Young has already undergone trials in the past, having tried to treat people with cancer, diabetes and others. serious health problems with the alkaline diet behind hefty payments. At the moment, Young is under arrest for fraud and abusive practice of the medical profession, and is likely to remain in prison for the next three years after having already been sentenced to house arrest.

I remind you that science has already largely denied the validity of the alkaline diet, and that at the moment there is NO diet that can be considered CURATIVE of a serious pathology. People who relied on Young’s treatment and alkaline diet to recover from their cancer have passed away. In addition to the story of the unfortunate Tim Tinkham , who claimed on a show that she was cured thanks to Robert Young’s alkaline diet , only to die, the phantom doctor and naturopath are burdened by the suspicious deaths of other patients, pushed to abandon the therapies of official medicine.
Even without looking at the “curative” speech, the alkaline diet is not automatically a healthy diet as many are led to think, simply because the fact that it encourages more fruit and vegetables is only one of its aspects, while other recommendations, how to reduce proteins because they acidify the blood have been widely denied by the scientific community. 

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