Morena Funari’s DIY diet: 12 kilos away

Morena Funari’s DIY diet: 12 kilos away

As I wrote in this article , although (don’t get me wrong on this point) it is very important to contact your doctor first and a nutritionist or dietician to lose weight, there are situations in which people prefer to rely on a do-it -yourself diet for lose weight .

The healthiest way to do this is to follow the simple recommendations of the guidelines , nothing harmful to health: reduce foods that are too fatty or too sugary, reduce fatty condiments, fries, snacks, avoid sugary everything, avoid eating. too much, fill yourself with seasonal fruits and vegetables.

These are also common sense recommendations , which however people prefer not to follow: in short, it is a question of eliminating excesses to follow a better diet.

Among the “moderate” do-it-yourself diets that have aroused curiosity in recent years in Italy, there is the do-it-yourself diet by Morena Funari , who initially lost 9 kilos in two and a half months doing this “soft” regimen because she suffers from reflux. She subsequently lost an additional 3 kilos, for a total of 12 kilos.

In this case, it’s not about a standard weight loss diet, but about trying to tweak something about your diet. This, for example, was Morena Funari’s diet as she declared and also presented on TV.

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