Dr. Oz’s 10-day deflating diet

Dr. Oz’s 10-day deflating diet

A 10-day deflating diet to lose a couple of kilos but above all reduce the belly, solve problems of irregularity, constipation, poor digestion, but also improve the appearance of the abdomen and thighs if we suffer from cellulite. Developed by nutritionist JJ Smith for the Doctor Oz show , it comes with a really simple plan to follow.

JJ Smith
‘s The Ten-Day Tummy Tox Plan

During the day: from when we wake up at lunchtime it is recommended to drink a detox and draining water that we can make by putting in a liter or a liter and a half jug of low mineral content (perfect the Boario) or low residue, a cucumber sliced ​​peeled, a clean, organic sliced ​​lemon, fresh mint leaves and slices of fresh ginger (optional). This water is miraculous against water retention and belly bloating.

Breakfast: breakfast should be rich in some fibers and very filling. Here are some alternatives, aside from coffee or tea that you can consume without sugar.
– 150 grams of natural delactosed Greek yogurt with 3 tablespoons of organic muesli, 2-3 almonds or walnuts and 100 grams of chopped fruit or two level teaspoons of honey (instead of fruit). 

– 30 gr of oat flakes boiled in 200 ml of skimmed milk, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar (also to be made the night before) and personalized with a teaspoon of almond or hazelnut butter and 50 gr of fruit pieces. (It can be done in the evening: an alternative without cooking is to use 30 g of oat bran in 200 ml of milk with a teaspoon of chia seeds and one of sugar and keep it overnight in the fridge: in this case, no almond butter. ).
– two slices of toasted rye bread with a teaspoon of jam + 100 gr delactosed Greek yogurt or 50 gr of goat ricotta and 2-3 walnuts.

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