Localized fat, diet and training advice

Localized fat, diet and training advice

Is it possible to reduce localized fat with diet and training? The question is very controversial: in general, the answer is no since, when we lose weight, we lose weight evenly, nor can the body or metabolism be instructed to affect localized fat reserves. Yet, some diet and training systems claim the opposite, and recently Dr. Massimo Spattini, doctor, personal trainer and nutritionist, creator of Dieta Com, illustrated a study that on the contrary gave good results in the reduction of localized fat.in a sample of men and women with an average age of around 40, although the people who followed the targeted interventions did not lose more weight than those who followed a generic weight loss protocol, but lost more fat in the desired places. The study, conducted by the University of Milan, and by Dr. Spattini himself, convinced me enough to talk about it, also because the diet and training tips for those who want to reduce localized fat are really simple and within everyone’s reach. So the best thing is to try to follow these rules and see the results for yourself.
I summarize the rules here.

– HOW TO LOSE LOCALIZED FAT IF YOU ARE OF ANDROID CONSTITUTION (BELLY AND UPPER BODY): the android constitution, usually of the male type, is the one for which you get fat on the belly and on the upper part of the body. It has been seen that for example women with menopause put on fat on the belly, due to the hormonal changes to which they are subject, but even if it is often said that women put more weight on the hips and thighs, today there are many women basically androgynous, that is, with tapered legs, wide waist and narrow hips. So these tips apply to both men and this type of women. People who want to lose weight, they must follow a weight loss diet that is ten percent higher than their basal metabolic requirement: for example, if we have a basal requirement of 1200 calories, the diet will be about 1340-1350 calories.
Calories should be broken down like this:40 percent of calories from carbohydrates, the remainder between fat and protein. The most important meal is the evening meal, and the best time to train is in the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch are mainly with proteins and fats (for breakfast you can eat a small amount of carbohydrates, for example one or two wholemeal rusks or a small fruit of the least sugary ones), while at dinner you can eat carbohydrates, avoiding those high glycemic index, and limiting protein intake. We train before dinner, in the late afternoon, to depletion of glycogen reserves: in this way the carbohydrates taken at dinner go to restore the glycogen stocks and are not stored in reserve fat. Glycemic peaks are in fact the number one enemy of these.
The training is a full body, divided into three weekly workouts, but with particular attention to the abdomen.
Now let’s see the tips for those who have localized fat on the buttocks, hips and thighs, that is, have the classic pear shape.

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