Meteorism and a swollen belly? Here are the 3 things to do

Meteorism and a swollen belly? Here are the 3 things to do

A shock therapy against meteorism and swollen belly, going to act on  three situations that cause these problems in most people : in this article we see how to correct nutrition in three steps to eliminate meteorism, swollen belly and digestive problems. To learn more, I refer you to this article on meteorism where you can also find the principles of the diet against a swollen belly. 

Meteorism and a swollen belly: here are the 3 things to do

You suffer from a swollen stomach and aerophagia, or bloating: sometimes you feel like you can’t eat anything that doesn’t cause you problems: if you are looking for a first “emergency kit”  against bloating and a swollen belly , here are three things you should try to do as soon as possible.

 the first thing is to identify those foods that trigger bloating problems in you. The most controversial are  foods that contain gluten, lactose and casein , because these molecules or the molecular complexes that compose them are problematic for digestion in many people. Other problems can be triggered with yeasts, or even with phytates, lectins, oxalates and saponins present in whole grains, potatoes, oil seeds and legumes. These are controversial substances for the bacterial flora, and often irritating to those who are already debilitated

A first piece of advice is therefore to reduce them as much as possible with a one hundred percent natural diet (without substitute packaged products) , and try to refrain from consuming foods that contain these substances for at least a couple of weeks. If the meteorism is drastically reduced, it is better then to consult a doctor and do tests to identify  food intolerances  (gluten and lactose), any  sensitivities  (such as that to gluten) or  problems of intestinal dysbiosis / permeability / semipermeability  (which make food problematic such as whole grains, legumes, leavened products, cheeses). Another thing to watch out for is the consumption of fiber and fibrous vegetables: if it is true that eating raw vegetables is good, it is also true that not everyone tolerates the fibrous parts of vegetables. Trying to cook them is a good way to understand if the problem is raw vegetables or the seeds of some fruits and vegetables, which as a precaution should be eliminated as well as the skins. Same thing for smoothies. They can cause meteorism.

The rule is:  if a food bothers you in the intestine, eliminate it or reduce the quantity.

  fennel seeds and boswellia are particularly suitable for those suffering from meteorism but also irritable bowel syndrome. Boswellia Serrata extract has a notable antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action (also for joint problems). Fennel seeds are great when used as a decoction.

 chew well, do not drink too much during meals, take time with food and try to listen to your body and its needs. Do not eat in a hurry, standing up, and if you are a stressed person, use herbal teas or natural supplements to reduce stress and improve sleep. These little things make a big difference to digestion and especially help reduce bloating. Once you have managed to eliminate episodes of acute inflammation, you will manage most foods much better without accusing bloating, but be careful:  still avoid a diet too rich in sugars (including fructose) and starches , because it worsens digestion and alters the bacterial flora.

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