The cake boss loses 20 kilos on the Optavia diet

The cake boss loses 20 kilos on the Optavia diet

The famous ” Boss of Cakes “, chef Buddy Valastro , would have gone on a diet: he would have lost about 20 kilos in a few months, thanks to the Optavia diet , a method that provides replacement meals to lose weight, together with better eating habits and a daily workout. How does the Optavia diet work?
It involves making 6 meals a day , from a minimum of 150 to a maximum of 250 calories per meal: the meals are industrial products, but with the guidelines of the Optavia method we can create them ourselves with natural ingredients. Here are the rules:
– eat every 2-3 hours
– eat at least 200 grams (divided by meals) of purely protein foods, such as meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs, tofu, tempeh or seitan, Greek yogurt, eggs or egg whites, skim cheeses.
– 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables must be included.

For example, if we want to do a 1200 calorie diet, we can have 6 mini meals of 200 calories each: for example.
– a smoothie with 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt + 150 grams of red fruits: 200 calories
– an omelette with 100 grams of egg whites, a teaspoon of oil and a handful of spinach and cherry tomatoes: 200 calories
– mixed green salad with a box of natural tuna and a teaspoon of oil: 200 calories

– 100 grams of chicken breast stir-fried with two courgettes and a teaspoon of oil plus spices: 200 calories
– 30 grams of oat flakes cooked in 100 ml of skimmed or vegetable milk and 100 ml of water + half a banana: 200 calories
– 10 almonds + 125 gram soy yogurt: 200 calories
– 100 grams of grilled tofu with bean sprouts and soy sauce: 200 calories.
If we are on a 1000 calorie crash diet, the meals will be around 170 calories.
The important thing is to eat every 2-3 hours , and train for no less than half an hour a day with a full body activity, which can also be done comfortably at home. Beyond this, one and a half to two liters of water should be drunk a day, and sleep no less than eight hours a day to reduce dietary stress.

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