Low-calorie summer snacks: 5 delicious 100-calorie recipes

Low-calorie summer snacks: 5 delicious 100-calorie recipes

Low-calorie snacks, but also greedy and satiating: that do not make you feel on a diet even if you have to keep calories, sugars or fats under control. Here are some 100-calorie , healthy and delicious recipes for low-calorie snacks that you may not have tried yet.

The vegan sweet potato cocoa cream:
 weighs 100 grams of raw, peeled, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. Boil it after cutting it into cubes. When it is soft, let it cool well, then put it in a mixer with a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa and a teaspoon of Truvia. You will get a soft and delicious cocoa cream, vegan and satiating, with a low glycemic impact. Cover it with cling film and keep it in the fridge until ready to serve.
Frozen yogurt:cut into pieces 100 grams of peach or alternatively a pound of strawberries. Put the pieces of fruit in the freezer and keep them for at least 3 hours. At the time of the snack, take them out of the freezer, put them in a food processor together with 100 grams of skimmed white Greek yogurt, a sprinkling of cinnamon or ginger, two teaspoons of truvia. Blend everything until you get a creamy mixture and enjoy immediately.

Pistachio skyr cream: in a blender chop 10 pistachio seeds with a spoonful of Truvia, until you get a full-bodied consistency (about two minutes). Add 100 grams of Skyr Bianco Milbona and if it’s in season, a small handful of fresh mint. Blend for a few seconds and transfer to a glass. Consume it immediately.
English Sandwich with Egg and Cucumber:boil a medium organic egg, let it cool in cold water. Take a wasa slice and sprinkle it with four to five cucumber slices. Cut the egg into two parts on top, finish with a pinch of salt and a little lemon juice.
Magnum Banana Stick: This recipe requires a popsicle stick or stick. Cut half a banana (about 50 grams), remove the cuticles, put it in the freezer wrapped in cling film. Remove it from the freezer and pass it in two tablespoons (70 grams) of skimmed Greek yogurt that you have previously sweetened with truvia and mixed with a generous teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa. Sprinkle the half banana with the mixture, place it on a plate of parchment paper, cover with plastic wrap and put it back in the freezer for at least three quarters of an hour.

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