Easy 1300 calorie vegetarian diet

Easy 1300 calorie vegetarian diet

The easy 1300 calorie vegetarian diet is a very simple diet full of substitutions that allows a 25-40 year old woman to lose three pounds a month if she starts from a requirement of around 1800 calories. Or a very overweight woman to lose weight little by little.

To the first case belong all the women with a job or an active life at home (care of the house, frequent outings), not less than one meter and sixty-five tall.

In the second case, all women with an overweight of over fifteen twenty kilos, who carry on bad habits. In this case, the weight loss may be even greater in the first few weeks.
In any case, moderate physical activity of half an hour a day or an hour three times a week is recommended.

The easy 1300 calorie vegetarian diet therefore lacks meat and fish, while there are eggs and dairy products, legumes, soy products, vegetables or fruit.
This very flexible scheme allows you to lose weight effortlessly and without major privations, and lose up to 9 kilos in three months.


Breakfast. Choose between.

  1. 250ml skim milk, coffee and stevia or other sweetener. Three thin rusks, three wasa slices or three rice cakes with 3 generous teaspoons of Hero Light jam.
  2. A cup of green tea or coffee. Budwig cream of 100 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt with 25 grams of muesli, 100 grams of grated apple or pear or 50 grams of banana, cinnamon and a level teaspoon of honey.
  3. 250ml skim milk, coffee and stevia or other sweetener. Pancakes with 180 grams of egg whites and 50 grams of Oatmeal with Chocolate or other flavor and a pinch of yeast, cooked in a non-stick pan.

Snack. Choose between.

  1. An apple of 160 grams.
  2. 10 grams of walnuts or almonds.
  3. 10 grams of extra dark chocolate.

Lunch. Choose between.

  1. Green salad of your choice with a teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, no oil.
    50 grams of wholemeal pasta or legume pasta with 100 grams of courgettes, squash, peppers or mushrooms cooked in a non-stick pan and 40 grams of stracchino or crescenza or 50 grams of mozzarella.
    A fennel seed tea with stevia.
  2. A jar of legumes drained and stir-fried of your choice (chickpeas, beans, lentils, maximum drained weight 200 grams) with a level teaspoon of olive oil and 200 grams of vegetables / vegetables of your choice apart from carrots and beets. A hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg. A digestive herbal tea with stevia.
  3. 100 grams of grilled or natural tofu scrambled in a pan with a level teaspoon of oil and 200 grams of vegetables / vegetables of your choice. Alternatively, same weight of grilled seitan.
    A small mandarin or a large slice of orange.

Snack. Choose between.

  1. One of the morning snacks.
  2. 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt with cinnamon and stevia.
  3. 100 grams of banana + two almonds.
  4. Cream of 90 grams of light Santa Lucia ricotta with a level teaspoon of cocoa and stevia.
  5. A pack of pavesini + a cup of green tea or coffee with stevia.

Dinner. Choose between.

  1. A small soy burger, mixed green salad with vinegar or lemon juice and a teaspoon of oil, 3 slices of wasa or three rice cakes or 35 grams of wholemeal bread, a mandarin or 80 grams of blueberries.
  2. 60 grams of brown rice or basmati with 70 grams of tempeh and 200 grams of vegetables of your choice plus soy sauce. A digestive or purifying herbal tea with stevia.
  3. 200 grams of carrots or beets in a salad with mint, a teaspoon of oil, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. 50 grams of grilled mature cheese.
    250 grams of baked apple or pear with cinnamon or two rice cakes and 80 grams of orange, pineapple, apricots, apple, pear.
  4. Rima Light Pizza with two tablespoons of tomato puree, 50 grams of light mozzarella, a level teaspoon of grated parmesan, oregano.
    A digestive or purifying herbal tea with stevia.

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