Increase the immune system with diet

Increase the immune system with diet

Is it possible to increase the immune system through food? I would say not only that it is possible, but that it is fundamental. We always make the mistake of relying on supplements to strengthen the immune system, take a mix of vitamins and minerals. Or we search the internet for a particular plant or seed or fungus that can boost the immune system.
All beautiful, but a pity about one detail.
That trying to increase the immune defenses with integration is like thinking that an iceberg is the only ice mass on the surface of the tip on the surface. The big part is underwater, therefore invisible.
Likewise, let’s focus on what we might call the icing on the cake. Ok, but do we want to talk about the rest of the cake?
How do we eat? How do we digest?

Why put the immune system on a “diet”

Understanding our digestion and eating better is the first step in supporting our immune system, as intestinal lymphatic tissue is the most important of all. It is there that the action of lymphocytes, macrophages and cytokines is concentrated.
For this reason, today we will see a food plan designed to increase the immune system through food. This plan is proposed by Dr. Susan Blum , who is known for devising a diet for people with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease (the diet for arthritis).

Dr. Susan Blum.

Blum is a well-known doctor in the United States, because she runs a Center that deals with the relationship between the immune system and diet.

Expert in functional medicine, or that medicine that sets itself specific healing objectives in areas often overlooked by the official one, Susan Blum is affected by both rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto. Perhaps it was her experience as a sick person that changed her profession as a doctor.

His diet to increase the immune system deals with 4 essential factors: using food in a way that is functional to the immune system; understand the link between stress and nutrition; restore digestion; strengthen the liver. On page two we see his meal plan.

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