Homeworking: how to work from home without gaining weight
There are many people who choose to work from home: a reality that in English is called homeworking .
Both for transitory needs, as was the case with the Coronavirus for some employees and teachers, and to try to better combine work and family, with more flexible rhythms. Or they receive this proposal from employers, to cut spaces in some locations. Or they do a type of work that is mostly done at home. However, one of the things people complain about the most, especially in the beginning, is that they gain weight if they work from home. How is it possible?
There are three main reasons why those who choose homeworking risk gaining weight easily.

You consume fewer calories
This is the first major reason why people who work at home tend to get fat. They do not have to go out, take the means or the car, walk from one office to another and make the return journey. Often between round trips and various small trips, you move for at least an hour and a half. The result is that if you work from home, that hour and a half takes sitting down.
To the detriment of Neat , or those activities that burn calories even though they are not purely physical exercise ( thermogenesis not induced by diet and physical activity ).
Eat more between meals
Another big temptation for those who choose to work from home is to snack more often than when not in the office. The reason this happens is environmental and psychological. Studies have in fact pointed out that those who work in environments where there are pantries, fridges and kitchens on hand see more food and have more opportunities to eat. Seeing food around often or having it on hand automatically prompts you to eat more if you don’t control yourself.
You let yourself go
Some people struggle to understand that if you choose to work from home you have to produce as much (and often more) as you do in the office. Instead, in some cases they risk being less productive and more lazy. This also boils down to energy savings. Wash, get dressed, give yourself time or make a list of things, have tight deadlines just like in the office. It’s not like if you work from home you go from bed to chair. Neglecting yourself and lengthening your productivity times result in more weight accumulation. Both because even in this case you burn less, and because taking less care of your appearance and your body also has a negative effect on the quality of the diet.
Now that we have seen the three main reasons why those who work from home risk gaining weight, let’s see how to turn these disadvantaged situations to not gain weight or even lose weight.
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