10 ways to improve your metabolism if you are sedentary

10 ways to improve your metabolism if you are sedentary

Spending time at home or being sedentary puts a lot of people in crisis. We tend to eat more and do not know how to train being a beginner and having little desire or few opportunities to do so.

In this article we see how to improve your metabolism if you are sedentary, if you have difficulty managing your diet at home, if you want to lose weight but don’t know how.

In fact, we will see 10 ways to improve your metabolism if you are sedentary, taken from the famous nutrition, fitness and wellness site “Eat this, not that!” ( translation: eat this, not that! ).


  • Don’t go on a crash diet
    ideal dish

    Don’t crash diets unless you know how many calories to cut. Risks of reducing metabolism and immune defenses, with the consequence that the weight drops the first week, but then the weight loss slows down until it stops. And at that point what do you do?
    Better to try, if you don’t want to use these tips to correctly calculate your calorie needs , to use other strategies to improve nutrition. For example, the strategy of the ideal dish, an easy rule that allows you to lose weight by improving the combination of foods for the three main meals: a carbohydrate-based food and a protein-based food for half a dish, the rest vegetables for lunch and dinner or at breakfast fruit.
    During the day, have two snacks a daybetween these diet snacks for weight loss and you have already done 80% of the work.

  • Choose a high intensity workout

    This advice applies not only to people who are already trained or in good physical shape.
    It involves doing a workout with bodyweight exercises in a short time, maximum 20 minutes. Some studies have shown that this increases muscle mass and reduces fat.
    On youtube you will find many workouts inspired by HIIT. In Italian, the Fitfix , Lumowell and Impacto Training channels offer many completely free videos even for those who start now or have joint difficulties. All you need is a mat or towel and two trainers.

  • As an alternative to HIIT, do bodyweight exercises to gain muscle mass.
    exercises to improve metabolism

    The free body is very effective for gaining muscle mass without using weights or machines. Muscle mass allows you to burn about 12 calories per kilo at rest, which is more than fat, which consumes only 2 calories per kilo. This means that by favoring exercises to increase muscle mass, 8 more calories are burned for every kilo of muscle.

    If you increase 3 pounds of muscle your baseline energy expenditure increases by 25 more calories per day. Then we add the calories we burn doing the exercises and we already have an effective way to lose weight. If your dream is to tone up and also lose fat mass, you can do 5 bodyweight workouts per week for a maximum of one hour, diversifying them into high and low body workouts and 2 20-minute HIIT workouts on the remaining days. Aside you can do stretching and flexibility or mobility exercises to have a snappy and supple body.

  • Get (a little more) protein.
    improve metabolism


    Protein increases the sense of satiety and favors the maintenance of lean mass. For example, for breakfast we can eat white Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, for lunch and dinner we can eat meat or fish or make an egg white omelette. I am clearly not saying to eat just these things, but to consider eating them at each meal in a more balanced dish.

  • Give preference to foods rich in fiber among foods that contain carbohydrates.

    Foods rich in fiber allow you to reduce the absorption of daily calories and better regulate your blood sugar during the day. The latter is very important if you want to improve your metabolism. For example, whole grains, pseudo-cereals such as quinoa and buckwheat, but also de-fat coconut flour to make light desserts or canned legumes or raw carrots for a quick meal. Among baked goods and breakfast items, All Bran cereal or Wasa slices are low-glycemic ideas rich in fiber.

  • Avoid sweeteners and sweetened drinks. A big mistake of those who want to go on a diet is to abuse products that contain artificial sweeteners, when the best thing would be to focus on natural foods such as fruit to satisfy the desire for sweet. We have no firm answers from science on the metabolic impact of sweeteners. The research in our possession is not exciting. Plus, using too much sweetener doesn’t educate you to a less sweet, more natural flavor.For example, you can replace jams with sugar-free fruit compote, eliminate sweeteners in drinks and not buy zero-sugar products that contain this stuff.

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