Metabolic Confusion Diet: Lose 6kg by eating
I know, the name isn’t crazy, but that’s exactly what it’s called.
Metabolic confusion diet.
Created by American doctor Carla Flynn , the metabolic confusion diet is so called because it “confuses” the metabolism, preventing it from slowing down but allowing you to burn more calories. The result is that you lose 6 kg per month by eating what you want for a few days, and dieting for the others.
According to the doctor, this way more weight is lost than in a traditional diet, and the results of a study on the “intermittent diet” prove her right.
In 4 weeks , a group of people who ate this way lost 6 kg compared to 5 for those who just followed a normal low-calorie diet.
The reason? Less hunger, more motivation. Knowing that we don’t give up on the foods we like. Most importantly, the metabolic confusion mechanism, whereby the body burns more calories while on a diet.
Let’s see how.
There are two ways, explains the doctor, to follow the metabolic confusion diet.
The first is to do a low calorie diet for 11 days and then do 3 days of free feeding. In these 3 days we can eat the foods we want, as long as we don’t fill up to bursting and eat 4 meals a day without munching all the time. For the rest, the menu is free.
The other way is to do 21 days of low calorie diet and 7 days of free diet.
It is up to you to decide which is better, although in the study I mentioned the participants followed the first one, therefore 11 days of diet and 3 consecutive free days.
Let’s see in detail the low calorie diet days on page two.
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