8 reasons that lead to overeating: the expert speaks

8 reasons that lead to overeating: the expert speaks


According to Dr. David Kessler, author of the book The End of Overeating , which in Italian we could translate as The end of binges , there are 8 reasons why you end up overeating.

That is more than we should without realizing it.
Some of these are environmental, that is, they are linked to places or situations that make us binge, literally; others are very simple wrong habits.

It would therefore be enough to avoid certain situations, change certain habits, to lose weight simply by limiting our hunger. Which is really possible as well as very simple once we know where we are going wrong.


Put sauces everywhere

You can’t eat fries without ketchup, roast without barbecue sauce or mustard, salad without that yogurt sauce that you looked at in the supermarket. On the contrary, you take a little pride in being provided with every kind of sauce at home, from curry to Mexican. You know they are fat, so you just need a spoon.

The problem is that that extra load of salt and sugar and fat pushes you to eat more, masking the taste of the food until, without sauces, it feels really lacking in flavor. Same thing goes for spreads, sweet creams, fillings. Try without.

Go eat at the mall.

A lot of people eat like this on Sundays or holidays.
You go to the mall, you do the big shopping, you look at the shops, then we all go to the restaurant together. And you eat twice as much as a normal restaurant. This is because the continuous sight of food items is a kind of torture for the brain, which feels driven towards a false sense of hunger and in particular asks for more sugar and fat. THE

In particular, those who eat at the shopping center suddenly become less critical than what they have on their plate; worse, he seems to have not eaten because of the too many distractions of the trip out of town. And two hours later he is hungry again.

Shop on an empty stomach.

According to research, it is the best way to go home full of junk that will make it really difficult for us to eat healthy. Avoid eating an apple just before shopping.

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